Luminous Green: Recommended Reading
See also the page of FoAM's Luminous Green Library
Articles by the speakers at the Luminous Green Symposium 2007
- Berzowska, J. (2007). Constellation Dresses and the Leeches. The Question of Power for Electronic Garments.
- Collet, C. (2006). What Future for Textiles? In .x-med-a. magazine (Ed. Kuzmanovic, Maja et al.)
- I-TASC (Marko Peljhan et al.).
- Leonard, J. (2007): Earth Everyday.
- Longhurst, M. (2003). Advertising and sustainability. A new Paradigm. Admap July/August 2003.
- Srinivasan, S. Community Controlled Monitoring and Evaluation. A Barefoot Approach.
- Srinivasan, S. and Anandalakshmy, S. Tilonia’s Alternative Schooling.
- Vermeulen, A. (2007). Synopsis:
Related texts
- Alexander, C. (1979). The timeless way of building. Oxford University Press.
- Beesley P., Hirosue S. and Ruxton J. (eds). Responsive Architectures, Proceedings of Subtle Technologies Symposium 2006.
- D Day, le design aujourd’hui (2005). Éditions du Centre Pompidou.
- Holmgren, D. (2002). Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability. Holmgren Design Services.
- Klein, N. (2000). No Logo. Flamingo.
- Lowenstein, O., ed. Fourth Door Review. Fourth Door Research.
- Manzini, E. and Jegou, F. (2003). Sustainable everyday, scenarios ofurban life. Edizioni Ambiente.
- McDonough, W. and Braungart, M. (2002). Cradle to cradle, remaking the way we make things. North Point Press.
- Papanek, V. (1995). The green imperative, ecology and ethics in design and architecture. Thames and Hudson.
- Ritter, A. (2007). Smart materials in architecture, interior architecture and design. Birkhauser.
- Scaravelli, V. (1996). Awakening the Spine: The Stress-Free New Yoga that Works with the Body to Restore Health, Vitality and Energy
- Stengers, I. (2010). Cosmopolitics I
- Thrift, N. (2007). Non-representational Theory: Space, Politics, Affect
- Van Hinte, E. and Bakker, C. (1999). Trespassers, inspiration for eco-efficient design. Netherlands Design Institute. 010 publishers.
- Verb Natures. 5th volume of Actar’s boogazine (2007). Actar.
- Wilson, Peter L. and Weinberg, Bill eds. (1999). Avant Gardening. Autonomedia.
- Todd, N. J. and Todd, J. (1994). From eco-cities to living machines. Principles of ecological design. North Atlantic Books.
- Masanobu Fukuoka, (2008). The One-Straw Revolution. Less labour and minimal disruption of nature farming.
- Ken Fern, (2010) Plants for a Future. edible & usefull plants for a healtier world.
On the Barefoot College
From Wietske Maas:
- Michel Serres: The Parasite — explores how human relations are identical to those of the parasite to the host body. Among Serre's arguments is that by being pests, minor groups can become major players in public dialogue ‚ creating diversity and complexity vital to human life and thought (english translation: )
- Michel Serres: The five senses: a philosophy of mingled bodies — could be a philosophy of the 64 limbed jakuzi! during the last days i found myself thinking alot about the contradictory relations between the information revolution /technological advances and the lessons of the human senses: the fragile empirical world, long resistant to our attempts to contain and catalogue it, is disappearing beneath the relentless accumulations of late capitalist society and information technology. Data has replaced sensory pleasure; we are less interested in the taste of fine wine than in the descriptions on the bottle's label. What are we, and what do we really know when we have forgotten that our senses can describe a taste more accurately than language ever could?
- Manuel de Landa, A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History, the urban infrastructure as an exo-skeleton: De Landa traces the concrete movements and interplays of matter and energy through human (urban) populations in the last millenium.
- Gilles Clément, Manifeste du Tiers paysage: Clement advocates opening up the biological corridors of the city to make bio-diversity circulate on its own (and yes Johan it has been translated into German Die dritte Landschaft, Merve 2007): Luminous Green for me is the Third Landscape:
- What is Luminous Green? Everything
- What Has It Been Until Now in The Political Order? Nothing
- What does it want to be? Something
- Dolores Hayden, Grand Domestic Revolution (apropos of matriarchal qualities) Hayden describes the material feminist movement in the US in the early 20th century — these women were the first feminists who identified economic exploitation of women's domestic labour by men as the most basic cause of women's inequality. While other feminists campaigned for political or social change with philosophical or moral arguments, the material feminists concentrated on material life and a new spatial imagination by socializing domestic work, sharing childcare, housekeeping and public kitchens
- Henri Lefebvre, The Urban Revolution, essential analysis/critique and guide to the nature of the city
Last but not least serious:
- Will Guppy, How to Attract the Wombat, on some of the more curious creatures of our animal kingdoms and alter egos.
Related websites
- Viridian Design Movement:
- Worldchanging;
- Treehugger;
- We Make Money Not Art:
- Doors of Perception:
- Environment 2.0:
- Offload Festival: