==== systems for simulations ==== Multi-Physics Simulation System >> http://smirnov.mae.wvu.edu/mulphys/ open dynamics engine ([[ODE]]) >> http://opende.sourceforge.net/ Modelica * http://www.modelica.org/ * http://www.ida.liu.se/labs/pelab/modelica/OpenModelica.html Analogue Dynamics Engine: The ADE is a physics engine constructed from a hybrid, analogue and digital, computer. * https://www.cs.tcd.ie/Michael.Manzke/fyp2004_2005.html#muiris efg's simulation and modelling pages; http://homepages.borland.com/efg2lab/Library/SimulationAndModeling.htm modeling high level cognitive processes http://cogent.psyc.bbk.ac.uk/book/ * Tim Tyler has a few bit + pieces http://timtyler.org/ * Lotus Artificial Life pages: http://alife.co.uk/ * Cellular Automata pages: http://cell-auto.com/ * Texture Garden's pages: http://texturegarden.com/ * Origin of life pages: http://originoflife.net/ * ATOMS pages: http://atoms.org.uk/ see also: [[Artificial Life]], [[Evolutionary Robotics]], [[Simulated Physics]]