- With appertain rotor of screw setting pre ceiling on the under standing that screw no wield. May wield two-faced, pressboard securing, wield pre to begin with wiping ceiling of bilge dasto. - Thread of length need half as many again as tad. - Open toy of batteries shuck. Verification batteries.+,- whereafter stow down,to a certainty need locknat lest take place accident. - Hook through toys apside of hole. - Needs switches shoving NO, for pre arrows specifing of orention shiving. Packing it up time, withbold toy pate need switches shoving OFF. * Prythee no sport with stingy of play asperity game. Winding finger have got bloodstream not wallk. Throagh of peril. * Tad disport of time grown man tatelage. * Till thge cowcomes home. Wield toys damage, burn-in prytheee wind to a close wield. * Give attention to open/close toys, therefore take place peril.for instance slipup batteries wield result in the emission of heat rupture liquid.vent itself prythee pay attention. * Play at sith to a certainty bolt up power supply fetch out batteries. * Batteries no electification dissolution,plunge ioto aquaor fire. * Not trust for tad batteries lest in advertent eat off. In the event of accident without loss of time plythee pillroller tuke order with.