==== subtle technologies - Friday June 2nd ==== {**NOTE**: still need to check for consitency against original notes after [[libarynth greyhole event]] - [[nik gaffney]]) Innis Townhall Speakers * Melody Swartz - Cell Migration and Pattern Formation Guided by Dynamic Microenvironments * Michelle Addington - Smart Materials * Karmen Franinovic - Behavioural Environments * Mark Shepard - Tactical Sound Garden Toolkit * Matt Gorbet - Solar Collector * Cassandra Fraser - Designing Matter and Responsive Metallobiomaterials * Jordi Truco - From Form Generation to Form Adaptation * Donald E Ingber - The Architecture of Life * Sean Hanna - Responsive Material / Responsive Structure * Pavel Hladik - Moving Structure * Tristan d'Estrée Sterk - Shape Control In Responsive Architectural Structures * Keynote Lecture: Steven Vogel - So What Would Nature Do? === Melody Swartz === Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology, Lausanne (Switzerland) Cell Migration and Pattern Formation Guided by Dynamic Microenvironments http://www.subtletechnologies.com/symposium/Swartz.html * env. dynamics -cellular [feedback loop / response) * cellular microenvironments -> tissues * env. cues -> structures * sensing gradients - movement/ sensing * gradients drive morphogenesis * esp. extracellualr matrix * chemotatic agent -> cell migration lymphatic system -> faciliate interstitial flow * flow nec. for coupling organisation cells respond to gradients [always under flow] * cells can create their own gradietns thru releasing precursors * hence self-regulation autocrine transcellular migration autochemokine -> autochemotactic (ref.) === Michelle Addington === Harvard University (US) Smart Materials http://www.subtletechnologies.com/symposium/Addington.html Michelle Addington and Daniel Schodek, “Smart Materials and Technologies for the Architecture and Design Professions.†* architecture - inside boundary layers * architectural imperatives for smart materials * impossible 'magical' materials, solving all existing problems * pragmatic embedding within the existing uses of materials * normative categorisation * materials -> artifacts/ didactic * current architectural use denies behaviour, often ignoring dynamics energy tansfer (proportial to) material propertiy x change of state cf hooke's law, fourier's law aerogel -> linear | indep. vars. | dep. vars | | 1. state | material property (eg. ... ) | | 2. energy quantity | material property (eg. thermochromic) | | 3. energy quantity | energy type (eg. electrochromic) | | 4. energy quantity | multiple states (eg. SMA) | requisite descriptions state change property change X energy input energy output * what can be done with materials using their particular characteristics, rather than thrying to solve tradition problems. * escape Eulerian surface -> Lagrangian * need to be more aware of operative scale, eg. sound (macro) -> light diffusion (pico) * potential for large changes by working at a scale appropriate to the material and properties (eg. peltier / healt/light/microns) * problems with desinging subordinate to technology & demands of current tech. * fluroescent lighting (ref. GE 1936) * genesis of whiteness in interior design * problems with lumioence, and spread * ideal of a homogenous lighting field IESNA -> 'ideal' lighting level recomendations | 1910 | ~ 10lux | | 1950 | ~ 300lux | | 1981 | ~ 2000lux | | 2000 | ~ 400-3000lux | * visual system * entire human visual system is active at ~3lux * neural sys. for sight activated by gradients, luminecence not nec. important * rifts in luminance * LEDs -> dealing with light directly, * scripting rifts in perception of luminance * most arch.projects dont focus on unique properties of LEDs, impose older ideas of lighting. eg. LEDs to replace fluro tubes * architecture to induce phenomelogical behaviours. physiology -> perception * architectural suggestions * generalised principles, with unique and local strategies * decoupled, rather than integrated technology * supra, rather than subordinate role to tech * leveraging tiny phenomena to produce significant behaviours * boundary layer * boundary layer as zone of interaction, and active adaptation * all exchnage of energy in buildings occurs at the boundry layers * boundary layers are active gradients * away from artifacts & orthographic projections * perspective and depth -> luminance cues * shape -> colour cues * "art and ..." Margret Livingstone (ref. visual perception in art) === Karmen Franinovic === Zero-Th Association (Canada) Behavioural Environments === Mark Shepard === State University Of New York At Buffalo (US) Tactical Sound Garden Toolkit === Matt Gorbet === Gorbet Design, Inc. (Canada) Solar Collector === Cassandra Fraser === University of Virginia (US) Designing Matter and Responsive Metallobiomaterials cf. pp40 proceedings === Jordi Truco === Universitat Internacional De Catalunya (Spain) From Form Generation to Form Adaptation cf. pp116 proceedings * material systems * parameteriation of components -> modular construction * hybGrid * physical system for producing flexible structures from micro components. freestanding * planned -> hybrid physical/digital to transfer digital models to parameterisable units. * local config -> global structure === Donald E Ingber === Harvard University (US) The Architecture of Life * physical forces -> cell development * cells as tensegrity structures (cf. cytoskeleton & internal strucutre) * nature builds structures using heirarchy of layers of structural integrity * eg. cytoskeleton (microfilaments -> intermediate filaments -> micro tublules) * cells stick to ECM (extra cellular membrane) at focal(?) points * tension in microfillalments is balanced by local regions of the substrate (ECM) which resist being compressed * cell shape is stabilised thru the balance of mechanical forces * cell & nucleus are connected in the tensegrity model (ref. various cellular & intracellular structures as tensegrity strucutres, virii, red blood cells, etc+ - sciAm article?) * tensegrity based heirarchical integration of cellular structures * solid state biochemistry on cytoskeleton (mechanical catalysts) * focal adhesion point -> electro-mechano-biochemical mechanism * physical microenviroment governs tissue pattern development * dynamic reciprocity ref. * google "Ingber Labs" * sciAm article === Sean Hanna === University College London (UK) Responsive Material / Responsive Structure * complexity cf. warren weaver (ref) * simplicity -> disorganised complexity -> organised omplexity * FEM (fininte element method) * Arghris, J (ref. argyris?) * combining analysis and generation * materials to distribute load, similar to a FE mesh * cellular -> space frame * topology - connections between nodes -> genetic algorithms * geometry - position of nodes -> learning algorithms * evolution of modular unit cubes * first - evolve optimial topology * then - optimize geometry & learn which spatial arangements 'work' * machine learning - neural model based on McCulloch? & Pitts * evolving structures to undergo dynamic forces (ie. +ve poisson's ratio) * axial line analytics -> nn * cities as CAS * unit based simulations scale linearly, rather than exponentially === Pavel Hladik === Architectural Association (U.K.) Moving Structure (...) === Tristan n d’Estrée Sterk === The Office For Robotic Architectural Media & Bureau For Responsive Architecture (Canada) Shape Control In Responsive Architectural Structures === Keynote Lecture: Steven Vogel === Duke University (US) So What Would Nature Do?