==== Alchemilla 'Lily' Umiliata ==== the principal patabotanist | {{>http://flickr.com/photos/foam/8678493930/ !thumbnail}} | Investigator of non-human sentiences, atmosphere diffuser and wrangler of pataphors. Aside from cat-herding the motley crew of patabotanists and their research assistants, her tasks include re-establishing human-plant communication on a societal level, introducing patabotany in circles of interspecies movers and shakers, as well as presiding at the seasonal feasts and esoteric mysteries. | Interests: atemporality, reconnecting with the vegetal mind, empirical divination, pataphoric thinking, ritual design. Personality traits: introverted, persevering, intuitive, otherworldly. [[:tarot/2]] ==== recent edits ==== {{editor>alchumilla}} ---- [[:user/start]]