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Sustaining Soundbytes

Notes from a session held at the Luminous Green Retreat, 28th of April 2007

Session Leader: Jennifer Leonard

[various quotes from Massive Change written on paper, fished out of a bowl….]

[hopefully Jennifer can arrange a transcription of the audio recording to add some sense to the following notes…]

[note: there were many more quotes read….]


“High technology is great for defeating conventional military technology that is two or three generations out of date, but it doesn't solve the political problem you came to solve.”


“I can imagine that there is, in fact, at least one good clean answer to how we can provide the energy we'll need for about ten billion people on the planet by 2050. I suspect that over the next ten years we will be able to get a major research program of the magnitude of Apollo to make this come to pass.”


“We need to find the recipe and cook it in our own kitchen, and leave the organisms alone. That to me is true biomimicry.”

ref. “state of fear” book

side conversation