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doing_nothing [2014-02-27 00:43] majadoing_nothing [2014-06-06 14:12] nik
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   * http://www.todoinstitute.org/naikan3.html   * http://www.todoinstitute.org/naikan3.html
- +==== Mindfulness/MBSR ====
-The three Naikan questions have since the retreat helped release tensions during conflict situations. +
- +
-  * What have I received from __________ ? +
-  * What have I given to __________ ? +
-  * What troubles and difficulties have I caused __________ ? +
- +
- +
-=== Mindfulness/MBSR ===+
 In 2010 Maja followed the 8 week course in [[http://www.reliablecancertherapies.com/nl/news/mindfulness-training-voor-kankerpatienten-en-hun-naasten|Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction]] at UZ Brussel with Ineke Vanmulders. In 2011 she followed the course [[http://levenindemaalstroom.drupalgardens.com/content/mindfulness-en-communicatie|Mindfulness in Communicatie]] at AZ Antwerpen with Edel Maex. Maja has since used and adapted several mindfulness techniques in FoAM's workshops, meetings, trainings, mentoring and conflict situations. In 2010 Maja followed the 8 week course in [[http://www.reliablecancertherapies.com/nl/news/mindfulness-training-voor-kankerpatienten-en-hun-naasten|Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction]] at UZ Brussel with Ineke Vanmulders. In 2011 she followed the course [[http://levenindemaalstroom.drupalgardens.com/content/mindfulness-en-communicatie|Mindfulness in Communicatie]] at AZ Antwerpen with Edel Maex. Maja has since used and adapted several mindfulness techniques in FoAM's workshops, meetings, trainings, mentoring and conflict situations.
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 A talk from Medium about a [[https://medium.com/business-management/df4b03f67d69|Mindful Workplace]] A talk from Medium about a [[https://medium.com/business-management/df4b03f67d69|Mindful Workplace]]
-<blocquote>"why we disconnect matters: We can continue in today’s mode of treating disconnection as a way to recharge and regain productivity, or we can view it as a way to sabotage the addiction tactics of the acceleration-distraction complex that is Silicon Valley. The former approach is reactionary but the latter can lead to emancipation, especially if such acts of refusal give rise to genuine social movements that will make problems of time and attention part of their political agendas - and not just the subject of hand-wringing by the Davos-based spirituality brigades. Hopefully, these movements will then articulate alternative practices, institutions, and designs. If it takes an act of unplugging to figure out how to do it, let’s disconnect indeed. But let us not do it for the sake of reconnecting on the very same terms as before. We must be mindful of all this mindfulness."</blockquote>+<blockquote>"why we disconnect matters: We can continue in today’s mode of treating disconnection as a way to recharge and regain productivity, or we can view it as a way to sabotage the addiction tactics of the acceleration-distraction complex that is Silicon Valley. The former approach is reactionary but the latter can lead to emancipation, especially if such acts of refusal give rise to genuine social movements that will make problems of time and attention part of their political agendas - and not just the subject of hand-wringing by the Davos-based spirituality brigades. Hopefully, these movements will then articulate alternative practices, institutions, and designs. If it takes an act of unplugging to figure out how to do it, let’s disconnect indeed. But let us not do it for the sake of reconnecting on the very same terms as before. We must be mindful of all this mindfulness."</blockquote>
 http://www.newstatesman.com/sci-tech/2014/02/mindfulness-racket-evangelists-unplugging-might-just-have-another-agenda http://www.newstatesman.com/sci-tech/2014/02/mindfulness-racket-evangelists-unplugging-might-just-have-another-agenda
-=== Karma Yoga ===+==== Karma Yoga ====
 Exercise suggestion: Every morning when arriving at FoAM allow yourself to really arrive in the studio by doing something that will help make the place more enjoyable/beautiful/inhabited. For 15-20 minutes forget about workplans and schedules and simply offer a service to the space in which you spend most of your working hours. Look around and see what needs doing: repairs, cleaning, tidying up, gardening, organising, maintenance, moving furninture... Do not worry about the results, just perform your 'selfless service' for twenty minutes without expectations.  Exercise suggestion: Every morning when arriving at FoAM allow yourself to really arrive in the studio by doing something that will help make the place more enjoyable/beautiful/inhabited. For 15-20 minutes forget about workplans and schedules and simply offer a service to the space in which you spend most of your working hours. Look around and see what needs doing: repairs, cleaning, tidying up, gardening, organising, maintenance, moving furninture... Do not worry about the results, just perform your 'selfless service' for twenty minutes without expectations. 
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   * Nice article on Karma Yoga and volunteering: http://www.yogajournal.com/wisdom/1492/   * Nice article on Karma Yoga and volunteering: http://www.yogajournal.com/wisdom/1492/
-=== Morning ritual ===+==== Morning ritual ====
 Exercise suggestion: Design a small ritual that would allow you to really 'arrive' at your place of work, without thinking of any past or future actions. Sit down (in a group) and have a 5-10 minute meditation. Sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee in silence, just observing the space. Light incense or an oil burner (if this doesn't disturb others). (etc.) Exercise suggestion: Design a small ritual that would allow you to really 'arrive' at your place of work, without thinking of any past or future actions. Sit down (in a group) and have a 5-10 minute meditation. Sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee in silence, just observing the space. Light incense or an oil burner (if this doesn't disturb others). (etc.)
-=== Regular pauses ===+==== Regular pauses ====
 In order to keep sufficiently concentrated for eight or more hours a day, it helps to take regular breaks (once every (half) hour for a minute or so).  In order to keep sufficiently concentrated for eight or more hours a day, it helps to take regular breaks (once every (half) hour for a minute or so). 
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-=== Meeting rituals ===+==== Meeting rituals ====
 Exercise proposal: Before beginning a meeting, sit together in silence for a few minutes. Become aware of yourself, your moods and expectations. Experience the presence of other people and remind yourself that they might have different moods or expectations, allow yourself to be open to anything that happens. Exercise proposal: Before beginning a meeting, sit together in silence for a few minutes. Become aware of yourself, your moods and expectations. Experience the presence of other people and remind yourself that they might have different moods or expectations, allow yourself to be open to anything that happens.
-=== Monotasking ===+==== Monotasking ====
 In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that multitasking is quite ineffective and stress inducing -- it's akin to an institutionalised and encouraged form of ADD. At FoAM we're experimenting with different approaches to reduce extreme multitasking in the work of individuals and groups.  In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that multitasking is quite ineffective and stress inducing -- it's akin to an institutionalised and encouraged form of ADD. At FoAM we're experimenting with different approaches to reduce extreme multitasking in the work of individuals and groups. 
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   * http://www.newyorker.com/talk/financial/2014/01/27/140127ta_talk_surowiecki   * http://www.newyorker.com/talk/financial/2014/01/27/140127ta_talk_surowiecki
   * http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/12/why-the-9-to-5-day-is-so-tough-on-creative-workers/282331/   * http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/12/why-the-9-to-5-day-is-so-tough-on-creative-workers/282331/
 +  * http://www.ribbonfarm.com/2014/02/27/demons-by-candelight/
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 Ons brein krijgt zoveel stimuli te verwerken, dat we onze focus verliezen. Weinigen snakken naar een wereld zonder e-mail of internet hoewel vrijwel iedereen de nadelen ervaart. Ik stap een jaartje uit het bombardement, benieuwd wat die rust en stilte met zich brengen. -[[http://www.tijd.be/r/t/1/id/9468366|Johan Braeckman]] Ons brein krijgt zoveel stimuli te verwerken, dat we onze focus verliezen. Weinigen snakken naar een wereld zonder e-mail of internet hoewel vrijwel iedereen de nadelen ervaart. Ik stap een jaartje uit het bombardement, benieuwd wat die rust en stilte met zich brengen. -[[http://www.tijd.be/r/t/1/id/9468366|Johan Braeckman]]
 </blockquote> </blockquote>
 +==== Bored, on Mars====
 +<blockquote>A trip to Mars, with its invisible technology and vast, unprecedented distance from home, could estrange or alienate a crew to an unprecedented degree. Such a distance could produce an entirely new kind of boredom, impossible to imagine on Earth.
 +==== Chronesthesia ====
 +<blockquote> Time Travel in the Brain: What are you doing when you aren't doing anything at all?
 +This dark network (which comprises regions in the frontal, parietal and medial temporal lobes) is off when we seem to be on, and on when we seem to be off. If you climbed into an MRI machine and lay there quietly, waiting for instructions from a technician, the dark network would be as active as a beehive. But the moment your instructions arrived and your task began, the bees would freeze and the network would fall silent. When we appear to be doing nothing, we are clearly doing something. But what?
 +The answer, it seems, is time travel. </blockquote>
 +From: TIME http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1580364,00.html#ixzz2uZeyOl9C
 ==== Unemployment ==== ==== Unemployment ====
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 http://dougald.co.uk/writing/dougald_futureofunemployment_feb09.pdf http://dougald.co.uk/writing/dougald_futureofunemployment_feb09.pdf
 +==== Hannah Arendt on Scholê, in Thinking (The Life of the Mind) ====
 +Wat alle mentale activiteiten gemeen hebben, is de specifieke rust, (...) de terugtrekking uit elk engagement en de opschorting van alle onmiddellijke belangen, die mij partijdig maken en die mij op de een of andere manier deel doen uitmaken van de werkelijke wereld – een terugtrekking waar we eerder naar verwezen (§9, tekst na noot 14), als de eerste vereiste van het oordelen. (...) distantiëring van het doen (130)
 +Scholê is niet de vrije tijd zoals wij die verstaan - de niet door activiteit bezette tijd die overblijft na een dag vol van “bezigheden ter vervulling van de levensbehoeften”. Scholê daarentegen is het weloverwogen afzien van, zich onthouden van (schein in het Grieks) de gebruikelijke activiteiten in dienst van onze dagelijkse behoeften (hê tôn anagkaiôn scholê), met de bedoeling ergens rustig de tijd voor te nemen (scholên agein). (...) We hebben hier dus te maken met een weloverwogen, actief niet-deelnemen aan de dagelijkse bedrijvigheid van het leven. (130)
 +==== Paul Lafargue 'The Right To Be Lazy' ====
 +"And meanwhile the proletariat, the great class embracing all the producers of civilized nations, the class which in freeing itself will free humanity from servile toil and will make of the human animal a free being, – the proletariat, betraying its instincts, despising its historic mission, has let itself be perverted by the dogma of work. Rude and terrible has been its punishment. All its individual and social woes are born of its passion for work."
 +Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy. – Lessing
  • doing_nothing.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-07-05 15:35
  • by maja