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“I’m fooling around not doing anything, which probably means that this is a creative period, although of course you don’t know until afterwards. I think that it is very important to be idle. So I am not ashamed of being idle.” –Freeman Dyson in Creativity

[EN] Doing Nothing is a practice-based research programme where we investigate what happens when we do nothing at all. We carve out time and space to “be,” without expectations or desires for changing or achieving anything in particular. Doing nothing does not mean that we suddenly institute laziness or want to be bored. On the contrary, we find that occasionally bringing the relentless pace of doing to a halt is an essential part of the creative process, bringing a necessary distance, awareness and invigoration both to doing and being.

[NL] Doing Nothing is een praktijkgericht onderzoek waar we niets gaan verbeteren of verwachten, maar waar we tijd en ruimte willen scheppen om te zien wat er gebeurt als we helemaal niks doen. Kunnen we het onszelf toelaten om midden in de kunstenwerkplaats, tijdens de werkuren, of midden in de drukte van een kunstproductie even tot stilstand te komen? Niks doen betekent niet dat we opeens lui willen worden of ons gaan vervelen. Integendeel, we vinden tijdelijk stoppen met doen een essentieel onderdeel van het creatief proces.



[EN] Stress, Burnout, ADD and pathological anxiety attacks are just a few examples of contemporary malaise of too much work - too little satisfaction, too much information - too little meaning. As a society we have lost the plot a bit … What happened to the promises that democracy and technological innovation would bring about a paradise-like egalitarian society with an abundance of leisure and self-development? Instead, we work more, are more stressed, less happy and suffering from chronic diseases and lack of time and chronic diseases. There are numerous studies, methods, allopathic and homeopathic remedies that are attempting to improve the situation. For some people things improve, but generally speaking we're not doing so well. The cultural field - that could provide an example of how to live life creatively - is not doing much better: most of us work more than eight hours a day and and more than five days a week; financial uncertainty and relatively low fees bring additional pressures; artists are forced to become cultural managers and bureaucrats, etc. How long can we keep going like this? Through FoAM's coaching programme we noticed that the effects of stress in our sector are increasing dangerously. Therefore, we decided to include Doing Nothing as an important part of our artistic programme and daily routine.

[NL] Stress, Burn-out, ADD en pathologische angstaanvallen zijn maar enkele voorbeelden van de hedendaagse malaise van te veel werk - te weinig voldoening, te veel informatie - te weinig betekenis. We zijn als samenleving een beetje de kluts kwijt… Wat is er gebeurd met de beloftes dat democratie en technologische innovatie een paradijselijke rechtvaardige samenleving met zich zouden brengen, met een overvloed aan vrije tijd en zelfontwikkeling? In plaats daarvan werken we meer, zijn we meer gestrest, minder blij en leiden we aan tijdsgebrek en chronische ziektes. Er zijn talloze onderzoeken, methodes, allopatische en homeopatische middelen die proberen om de situatie te verbeteren. Bij enkele mensen lukt dat wel, maar algemeen bekeken gaat het niet zo goed. In het kunstenveld - dat een voorbeeld zou kunnen zijn van creatief leven - is het niet veel beter gesteld: de meesten onder ons werken meer dan acht uur per dag en meer dan vijf dagen per week; financiële onzekerheid door relatief lage vergoedingen brengt extra druk; kunstenaars zijn gedwongen om cultuurmanagers en bureaucraten te worden, enz. Hoe lang gaan we dit nog volhouden? Door FoAM's coachingprogramma hebben we gemerkt dat de effecten van stress in onze sector gevaarlijk aan het toenemen zijn. Daarom hebben we besloten om Doing Nothing als onderzoeksonderwerp te starten.

We began Doing Nothing as a formal programme in 2013. Informally, we've been exploring different techniques of being, introspection, meditation and contemplation for several years.


A group of 9 FoAM members participated in the Naikan retreat at FoAM in Brussels in 2010. For a week we spent time together in silence, each of us following a flow of instrospective exercises.

The three Naikan questions have since the retreat helped release tensions during conflict situations.

  • What have I received from ? * What have I given to ?
  • What troubles and difficulties have I caused __ ?


In 2010 Maja followed the 8 week course in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction at UZ Brussel with Ineke Vanmulders. In 2011 she followed the course Mindfulness in Communicatie at AZ Antwerpen with Edel Maex. Maja has since used and adapted several mindfulness techniques in FoAM's workshops, meetings, trainings, mentoring and conflict situations.

Example of a mindfulness exercise used in the GroWorld research group at KABK in Den Haag:

A 3 minute breathing pause (in dutch):

Karma Yoga

Exercise suggestion: Every morning when arriving at FoAM allow yourself to really arrive in the studio by doing something that will help make the place more enjoyable/beautiful/inhabited. For 15-20 minutes forget about workplans and schedules and simply offer a service to the space in which you spend most of your working hours. Look around and see what needs doing: repairs, cleaning, tidying up, gardening, organising, maintenance, moving furninture… Do not worry about the results, just perform your 'selfless service for twenty minutes without expectations.

This exercise is inspired by two things: the practice of Karma Yoga (discipline of action) and the 20 minutes of 'daily work period' that we were allowed to engage in during the Naikan retreat. It was a great thing to do and the space looked much more cared for, after 9 people worked in it for only 20 minutes each day.

Morning ritual

Exercise suggestion: Design a small ritual that would allow you to really 'arrive' to your place of work, without thinking of any past or future actions. Sit down (in a group) and have a 5-10 minute meditation. Sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee in silence, just observing the space. Light incense or an oil burner (if this doesn't disturb others). (etc.)

Regular pauses

In order to keep sufficiently concentrated for eight or more hours a day, it helps to take regular breaks (once every (half) hour for a minute or so).

  • Stillness Buddy: a small piece of software that freezes the screen for a short period of time and displays a short exercise. “like having a friend that, every now and then, gently reminds you to stop, breathe, center yourself again and then continue.

Meeting rituals

Exercise proposal: Before beginning a meeting, sit together in silence for a few minutes. Become aware of yourself, your moods and expectations. Experience the presence of other people and remind yourself that they might have a different mood or expectation, allow yourself to be open to anything that happens.


In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that multitasking is quite ineffective and stress inducing - it's akin to an institutionalised and encouraged form of ADD. At FoAM we're experimenting with different approaches to reduce extreme multitasking in the work of individuals and groups.

  • get work done before checking email
  • check email only once or twice a day
  • have blocks of time (for some people this is morning, for others afternoon or evening) dedicated to uninterrupted work
  • have clear signals (like wearing headphones), or spaces where people can work undisturbed
  • carve out at least one day per week as a 'silent day', with no meetings and phonecalls, where (if possible) people spend time in the library, reading, writing or following other 'silent' pursuits. at FoAM, this has become the Silent Thursday.
  • have a seasonal programming, so that similar projects are worked on at the same time. At the moment we're experimenting with the following rhythm:
    • winter: research, writing, reporting…
    • spring: design, production, co-creation…
    • summer: sharing, workshops, public speaking, fieldwork…
    • autumn: presentations, documentation, reflection


  • doing_nothing.1372879007.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013-07-03 19:16
  • by nik