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The GROWTH model leads teams through the 4Ws of Innovation and the Why, What, Who and hoW questions.

The purpose of this group coaching technique is to find a common ground for the participants to work on. We begin with defining a goal that emerged from a visioning session , then exploring the reality of the project to then brainstorm a series of options and look at their benefits and problems. To do this we used the GROWTH cards that were hung on the wall, with worksheets listing a set of questions related to the two Capstone projects that the groups would answer a series of 10-15 minute sessions.


Questions given to the participants in Capstones: GOAL - Transformative

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • Why is that important?
  • What will achieving this goal get you?
  • What will it look like if you don’t achieve it?
  • What can we agree on as goals for our project?

The result of the session is a list of goals the group agrees on are worth pursuing. REALITY - Objective

  • What do you know about the project?
  • What are the key features of the project?
  • What do you need?
  • How can you get it?

The result of this session is a list of features, needs and ways to meet the needs. OPTIONS - Creative

  • How can you achieve our goal?
  • How else might you do it?
  • What else might you do?
  • What else?
  • In what other ways could you approach this?

The result of this session is a series of options (solutions, processes, ideas…) that would achieve the goals. OPTIONS - Positive You have generated a set of options. Looking back at these options,

  • What are the benefits?
  • What is the value?
  • What makes it attractive?
  • How can we build on it?

The result of this session is a list of benefits for all options generated in the previous session. OPTIONS - Critical This session builds on the previous two, but focuses on honestly and constructively criticising the generated ideas. Looking back at the options,

  • What are the problems?
  • What are the difficulties?
  • What are the risks?

15:15, 15 mins Break

Will to health

Continue the group coaching based on the GROWTH model. After coming up with a set of options and examining their risks and benefits, it’s time to examine them through the filter of the participants’ 'gut' instinct, then look at how the individual instincts can be brought together in a group agreement. Finally, to round the workshop and bring all the insights together we look back at the core question of the whole workshop and answer it from the perspective of the two capstone projects.

NOTE: we omitted the “T” (stands for TIME - Organised), because the questions that are asked in this section were not appropriate to the workshop that was more about the students getting to know each other and the potentials of the projects than designing their projects and setting them in stone on the second day.

15:30, 20 mins

Invite participants to 'measure the temperature' of the options generated in the previous sessions. Give three stickers (dots or other shapes) to the participants and invite them to vote on one or more options they intuitively prefer.

<blockquote>Quesitons given to the participants in Capstones: WILL - Intuitive To help with decisions you can ask the participants: * What does your instinct/gut feeling say? * How do you feel about the options? HEALTH - Energised * Which option(s) would you like to you pursue together? * How committed are you? * Is all your energy behind it? * Is your plan in-line with our goals? ==== References ==== (a list of references and/or further reading)

  • futurist_fieldguide/growth_model.1432223575.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015-05-21 15:52
  • by maja