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hosting:july_2016 [2016-07-12 09:13] majahosting:july_2016 [2016-07-15 12:20] maja
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 -Hosted by Eva DG -Hosted by Eva DG
 +The re-Treat (16 to 18 September) is to be a treat to ourselves, in which we will be exploring our expertises through action and experiment, thus building a treasure chest to draw from for future retreats which we will offer externally. It is to be a hands-on activity; the meta-level reflection is to be kept for the evaluation session two weeks later. This evaluation will be sculpting the re-treat into a product to sell.
 +The preparation of the re-treat will happen in an online open space (hosted by Lies), and will be collectively finalized on Friday night, at the start of the retreat. Eva DG and Kathleen are taking care of finding the (physical) space to make the retreat happen.
 {{ :hosting:img_2822.jpg |}} {{ :hosting:img_2822.jpg |}}
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-=== Multiple stakes ===+=== Multistakeholders ===
 A session to discuss how to frame our [[process_facilitation|facilitation of participatory processes]] for multistakeholder groups and (systemic) transitions, where the hosting community functions as an [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_research|action research]] lab for individual and collective experiments. The session consists of a presentation of a proposal as sketched out by Luea and Maja, a feedback round using the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Thinking_Hats|Six Thinking Hats]] cards and planning next steps. A session to discuss how to frame our [[process_facilitation|facilitation of participatory processes]] for multistakeholder groups and (systemic) transitions, where the hosting community functions as an [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_research|action research]] lab for individual and collective experiments. The session consists of a presentation of a proposal as sketched out by Luea and Maja, a feedback round using the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Thinking_Hats|Six Thinking Hats]] cards and planning next steps.
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 {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/28224876626/}}\\ {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/28224876626/}}\\
-{{ :hosting:img_2840.jpg |}}+From the discussion with Kathleen, we agreed that positioning of our work and community will be essential for success. There is quite a bit of competition, and locally in Belgium the market isn't too big. How we communicate will be key. We want to avoid too much art of hosting jargon, as it tends to put people off if they're not already an 'in-crowd' (especially in the sectors in which we often work). Another challenge is to keep the energetic balance between receptivity and action, to avoid the danger that many facilitators' communities face - too much complacency and inertia, ego-driven personal development without much collective 'movement' and impact. 
 +It's crucial to combine and expand our networks across multiple sectors, aiming to reach new people with every process we host. Infiltrating higher education and training young people in hosting craft could be a way to keep the work and community fresh and evolving. Our community/working group should be an embodiment of a multistakeholder culture. Not only would we 'practice what we preach', but having a diversity of members would allow us access to wide networks partners, clients and participants. 
 +We have to work on clarifying our goalwhy, what, how? We are on the right track, but need to better clarify our unique identity. I we succeed, our work would be recognisable as having a unique hosting culture. Our work would be known and sought for in- and beyond Belgium, and we would see the 'ripples' of our influence in different organisations, sectors and communities.  
 +Our intuition tells us that there is potential in this work, an interesting niche (hosting by combining approaches from the creative fields, business, science, etc.). To resolve the issues with "time and money" we have to build strong links between our individual work and what the community does, so that they re-enforce each other in positive feedback loops. Personal and professional development of each of the members will feed the development of the community itself.   
 +Next steps:  
 +  * Until the end of August, Online: Draft a description of our work for internal and external purposes ("pitch document"), everyone interested can comment and edit online. Particularly focus on clarifying "why? what? and how?"  
 +  * End of August/beginning of September: Skype session to discuss the description 
 +  * Beginning of October: Finalise a pitch document in English and Dutch. Post and share online. Maja to take the document to Yong Global Leaders' Summit in Japan. 
 +  * Autumn (possibly November)Systems mapping for the process facilitation working group.
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 - Hosted by Lies - Hosted by Lies
 +The session starts with summing up some elements (of opportunity): access to a vital nomad tribe in Iran (Qashqai people), whose lifestyle is nevertheless being replaced by a modern one; possibilities of an exchange of knowledge (in the domains of textile, medicine, cooking, music, autocratic life); preservation of traditional knowledge. These elements resonate with some of the key values of the hosting craft community, especially with the notions of rewilding, craft and hosting itself. They might entail different possible formats. The host proposes participative nomadic co-traveling with experts in the different domains described above.
 +The session points to the permaculture principle of 'first observe, then interact'. It is concluded that the host will make a journey to and with the tribe (February-March 2017). Her observations will be documented in writings, audio recordings and photography and will be presented to the hosting craft community in the form of a lecture in September 2017.
 {{ :hosting:img_2839.jpg |}} {{ :hosting:img_2839.jpg |}}
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 === Conundrums === === Conundrums ===
-This session is meant to bring a few conundrums out in the open, without attempting to resolve them. Just let them linger in the back of our heads in the months to come…+This session is meant to bring a few conundrums out in the open, without attempting to resolve them. Just let them linger in the back of our heads in the months to come… We began by bringing up a few of my pain points, using [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C4%ABla_(Buddhism)|Vajrakīla]], the ritual dagger //"… to bind and pin down negative energies or obscurations from the mindstream of an entity, person or thoughtform, including the thoughtform generated by a group, project and so on, to administer purification."// During and after the session these pain points were transformed into open questions. At the end of the day Stevie and I improvised a guided reflection for voice and hurdy-gurdy (see below), on how to transform insights from difficult situations into deeper aspirations and appreciation of life.
--Hosted by Maja+-Maja
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 [[http://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm|Tyranny of structurelessness]] by Jo Freeman </blockquote> [[http://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm|Tyranny of structurelessness]] by Jo Freeman </blockquote>
 +== Guided meditation ==
 +<blockquote>Think of a difficult situation that has you in its grip. Inhabit it, surround yourself in it as if you were in a movie. Look at yourself. What does your distress feel like? In your thoughts, emotions, in your body... What’s underneath this feeling? Is there a deeper wound, a vulnerability, a suffering, an unfulfilled yearning? Stay in this yearning for a while. See it, experience it as it is right at this moment. Offer it what it needs... As Thich Nhat Hahn says: "Darling, I see your suffering..." 
 +Begin turning outwards... Look at the difficult situation again, and you in it. What does this situation want to teach you? What can you take from it on your life's path?
 +Let's look at this path for a while... Your life... What if you had only a year to live? A month? A day? An hour? Just a few moments? What would really matter? 
 +Slowly come back to the here-and-now. Look around you. Remind yourself how precious it is to be alive, no matter if it's for a few moments or many decades... How does it feel to be grateful for being alive? Let everything else fade into the background, as sound gradually fades into silence...</blockquote>
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  • hosting/july_2016.txt
  • Last modified: 2016-07-18 21:54
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