Harvesting castings is fun and a hands dirty experience. It helps if you like worms. They are lovely and sweet creatures. Start loving them and you'll love the harvesting time.

It's easiest to do in the daytime.

  1. Leave the lid off. Worms hate sunlight so they will burrow down to where it's dark. Give it some time (half an hour or more) and then scrape a layer of worm castings into a bin. Sift through them a bit, and put any renegade worms back in the worm bin.
  2. Repeat this process over and over until all the castings have been removed. The worms will have burrowed down to the lower layer.
  3. The top layer is now empty and ready for food again. Worms will crawl up when the food arrives.
  4. And you have a container full of amazing plant fertiliser ready to go straight onto your plants.

How the worm farm works

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  • how_to_harvest_castings.txt
  • Last modified: 2012-11-05 21:31
  • by imogen
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