Edit this pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top Agglomeration of lecture notes Notes from lectures, symposia and conferences, as well as transcripts of FoAM talks and presentations. Fritz Haeg: Animal Estates ISEA 2012 Workshop: Mapping with balloons and kites beauty of collaboration Beauty of Collaboration summit notes Transcript of the talk on tradition and innovation for Beltain 02 ISEA 2012 Workshop: Kenneth Wesson: Brain-sight; seeing through the minds eye Learning from the Land: Experiments with American Agriculture Stories within stories... The Art of Flower Arranging Foam at ICT&Art Connect Data Ecologies 14 - various notes FoAM's A-Z Lecture Closing Speech of gRig Froesjels Hosting craft Improving Realities Panel: The Societal Implications of Energy Abundance Lectures on Alchemy Luminous Green Time's Up Style Luminous Green Time's Up Style (day 3) Introduction to the Luminous Green Workshop 2008 Machine Wilderness Symposium Maja Kuzmanovic Magick, Mistakes and the Multitude of the Matter andrew morrison and synne skjulstad: towards embodied interaction Beltane 01 feasability study for sustained sustenance: installing a Feral Trade Cafe at HTTP Gallery, London UK. Reading notes Alkan Chipperfield's research notes Welcome to the Libarynth... Design and Sustainability, How to Get Textile Designers on The Case? From design economies to design ecologies Captain Electric and Battery Boy Luminous Green Symposium: Welcome Address From Conversion to Polar Landscapes – A Landscape for the 3rd Culture Sustainability communications: Getting them right. Community Controlled Monitoring and Evaluation - A Barefoot Approach Time Based Space lecture_notes.txt Last modified: 2016-08-11 11:12by maja Currently locked by: