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lirec:development_questionnaire_results [2009-02-12 13:08] [2009-02-13 14:55]
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 | HW | WP4, WP8 and WP9, everything | UH, WRUT, INESC, QM for now | We have a local SVN (on windows) system running in our lab which was used for other project, but we have not contributed anything for LIREC on that as of now. | Mostly C++ and Java, we may have some python code too in the future | I guess all VisualStudio, emacs, commandline, Eclipse for windows as well as Linux | OpenCV, YARP for sure may be some camera related dependencies as well. | | HW | WP4, WP8 and WP9, everything | UH, WRUT, INESC, QM for now | We have a local SVN (on windows) system running in our lab which was used for other project, but we have not contributed anything for LIREC on that as of now. | Mostly C++ and Java, we may have some python code too in the future | I guess all VisualStudio, emacs, commandline, Eclipse for windows as well as Linux | OpenCV, YARP for sure may be some camera related dependencies as well. |
 | INESC-ID | We are currently working on the ION framework. We have already developed Fatima and an agent for the iCat robot. | All the software projects will be shared possibly with all the technical partners. | These software projects are currently not available online. | ION and Fatima are Java projects, while the agent for the iCat robot is in C++. | We use Eclipse and Netbeans for developing the Java projects and Visual Studio (in particular, the 2005 version) for the C++ for the project. | ION and Fatima do not have dependencies with third party software. The agent for the iCat robot is dependent of Phillips OPPR platform. |  | INESC-ID | We are currently working on the ION framework. We have already developed Fatima and an agent for the iCat robot. | All the software projects will be shared possibly with all the technical partners. | These software projects are currently not available online. | ION and Fatima are Java projects, while the agent for the iCat robot is in C++. | We use Eclipse and Netbeans for developing the Java projects and Visual Studio (in particular, the 2005 version) for the C++ for the project. | ION and Fatima do not have dependencies with third party software. The agent for the iCat robot is dependent of Phillips OPPR platform. | 
-WRUT |+cnotinfor Little Mozart The source code is closed but we are available to share other informations about the project. | Unavailable | C++ | VisualStudio 2005 | Ogre + QT framework [+ OpenAL+Boost C++ + some Cnoti internal libraries] | 
 +| UH | WP4,WP6,WP8,WP9 | HW,WRUT. Unavailable C++,Java,Python,URBI Kdevelop,IDLE,Anjuta,CMAKE,OpenCV,QT,YARP/SAMGAR | 
  • lirec/development_questionnaire_results.txt
  • Last modified: 2009-04-24 07:28
  • by davegriffiths