Theun: Sometimes it's a bit surreal to think how a guy from a tiny village in the Dutch countryside finds himself among these kinds of people. I don't know how it happened, but it gives me the space to be ambitious.

Some things that stuck for me were:

  • Low nutrients result in biodiverse systems, which made me rethink C2C design and their focus on closing material cycles by composting. And it made me think of money and creativity.
  • Findability in networks; yes you can find a gardener or a physicist, but how do you find people working between or merging disciplines.
  • How important is the effect of our projects on a wider community and is it part of our project-designs?
  • We spoke about lost of ideas for projects, but what about our own day-to-day resilience in food-chains, energy-chains and economies?
  • We should really get a Nasalranger.

Cocky: First of all, I really want to thank all the organisers for the wonderfull enriching and well organised event with all its different speeds and sensations in day and night time. Because of the strange menu-scedule, I lost my sense for time (positive to me). I felt quickly at ease during LG and this made me able to make deeper connections with people I sort of knew before but actually never knew before so well. And from this, most possible, some nice co-operations will emerge. To have made even more deepened connections it would have been great if LG was one day longer to get to know more other people better. Furthermore I got surprising new energys from some corners I would have never ever expected it; like from the poetry corner and the one step exercise. Found out to late that Nenad and Nik problably have a common interest in brain substances.

Anna Maria Orru: LG gave me a ‘basket’ full of ripeness which I take a hold of on my continued journey in Sweden, and the catalyst to sow some seeds in my community here and around; One of the most delightful and supportive impacts for me was the opportunity to incubate in an environment with such a spectrum of creative people who are on a similar page and chapter. A wonderful, delicious, engaging, energetic, but at the same time relaxed, ‘space and time’ to collectively cook up ideas, nurture existing ones and moments for self-reflection. It felt a bit like landing ‘home’ where you feel welcome, and as a freelancer, this ‘docking’ is vital to have and to instrument the ‘fuel’ needed to continue. This is the ‘strengthening’ mold I take away with me. LG reinforced the need to leave behind the fear that stepping out into an open field of uncertain professional adventures is supported by a community of individuals grazing in the same luminous field.

Mold inspirations;

  • Growing ‘air’ roots
  • Designing the ‘understandibility’; the things that are invisible, are the most difficult to transfer into active processes
  • Being ‘just’ resilient is not enough….we need more. What comes next?
  • How to create a map of future invisible resilience; a map which creates a framework for restorative environments, cities and people ‘seeds’
  • keeping in mind Alice;‘the dream-like child moving through a land of wonders, wild and new’

Thank you for wonderful days. I wish for further occasions 'to incubate' together and let some of the dust from LG2010 settle deeper and become soil for coordinated ideas.

Thomas: Luminous Green was something very different and new for me. I have tried to write about and with some of the things that we did over the course of just a few days.

I would like to take the chance to thank everyone who put so much effort into organising and then hosting the event. It was a very welcoming and stimulating gathering of people, ideas and food, which allowed for different speeds and modes of thinking-together.

Tapio Mostly positive, but one thing is troubling me which is not particular to this meeting; it has to do with whether practitioners really are seriously ethically engaged with ecopolitics or whether there is an ecodesing fad in the air. You know, if one solution is equally fine as another, it makes you wonder. This was particularly around the eco village discussion. Groundedness… or floating eco signifiers? yikes. sounds so 90s.

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  • Last modified: 2010-10-07 16:33
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