(An [[experiment]] from the [[workshop_201505|May workshop]])
(An [[experiment]] from the [[workshop_201505|May workshop]] developed further as [[A Sea Change]])
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[[http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/16778293514/|larger image]] on flickr
[[http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/16778293514/|larger image]] on flickr
==== Related ====
* [[http://www.mcsuk.org/what_we_do/Clean+seas+and+beaches/Pollution+and+litter+problems/Marine+Litter+Action+Network| Marine Litter Action Network]]: a kickstart to finding lasting solutions on ocean rubbish. (...) The Marine Litter Action Network will meet throughout the next year before publishing its solutions in June 2015.
* [[http://theplastiki.com/Plastiki]] and [[http://myplastiki.com/|My Plastiki]]: "You might have read that constructing a boat with 12,500 plastic bottles wasn’t an easy task. But you don’t have to build a plastic catamaran to make a difference. We’re looking for dreamers, curious types, storytellers, rebels and most important you! Just let your inner change maker break through, click your mouse, and pledge to better our oceans and planet."
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**Observered results**
**Observered results**
==== Related ====
=== Related ===
* [[http://www.mcsuk.org/what_we_do/Clean+seas+and+beaches/Pollution+and+litter+problems/Marine+Litter+Action+Network| Marine Litter Action Network]]: a kickstart to finding lasting solutions on ocean rubbish. (...) The Marine Litter Action Network will meet throughout the next year before publishing its solutions in June 2015.
* [[http://theplastiki.com/Plastiki]] and [[http://myplastiki.com/|My Plastiki]]: "You might have read that constructing a boat with 12,500 plastic bottles wasn’t an easy task. But you don’t have to build a plastic catamaran to make a difference. We’re looking for dreamers, curious types, storytellers, rebels and most important you! Just let your inner change maker break through, click your mouse, and pledge to better our oceans and planet."