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‘Valuing the Ocean’, an initiative of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, aims to help increase the capacity of the environmental sector to communicate the role of the ocean in human wellbeing, particularly through collaboration with others. The Foundation’s London branch has decided to take a laboratory approach with Marine CoLABoration, aiming to foster engagement and a shared, co-created vision.

More about the Gulbenkian Oceans Initiative


The workshops are designed to provide the space and resources for a small group of organisations to meet regularly over a two-year period to explore existing practice, identify and experiment with new. The Marine CoLABoration has a particular interest in looking at how better to bridge the gaps between innovative local practice and influence at national and EU levels, and how to convey the intrinsic as well as socio-economic value of the seas.

On 15th of January 2015 a group of 16 people came together at the Gulbenkian Foundation in London for a day of co-creating a range of scenarios for Marine CoLABoration. The aim of the workshop was for the participants to get to know each other as creative individuals and to glimpse shared vision(s) for the initiative. Looking at the oceans surfaces many 'big' problems, which often need multiple perspectives to incite meaningful change. The workshop explored the nature of value, economic and social assumptions which impact the importance and complexity of the issues involved. Scenarios were developed which explored more sustainable economic and governance systems as the world experiences further effects of climate change. details can be found at workshop 201501

planned workshops

  • workshop 201503
  • workshop 201505



  • marine_colab/start.1421919188.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015-01-22 09:33
  • by nik