This is an old revision of the document!

The main purpose of the Lisbon session is to strengthen the sense of direction and shared values for the Marine CoLAB. There will also be several opportunities to extend the community by building connections with Portugese marine NGOs. On Thursday (23/09) we will have a full day for a Marine CoLAB session. On Wednesday you will have the chance to jointly decide on the content, format and desired outcomes of this session, in line with the broader Marine CoLAB goal of communicating the value of the oceans. We invite you to think about what you would like to get out of this opportunity both individually and collectively:

  • How will you build on the work and relationships developed up to now?
  • What would you like to achieve as the Marine CoLAB team?
  • How will you know that you have achieved it?
  • How will you organise yourselves in order to achieve it?
Marine coLAB

various photographs can be found at

(a proposed agenda)

(larger image can be found here)

(an exploration of explanation…)

(larger image can be found here)

  • marine_colab/workshop_20150923.1443105555.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015-09-24 14:39
  • by nik
  • Currently locked by: