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marine_colab:workshop_20151125 [2015-11-27 10:37] – [Game On!] nikmarine_colab:workshop_20151125 [2015-11-27 11:25] – [Future of Marine CoLAB] nik
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-====Future of Marine CoLAB====+=== What worked? ===
 +== People ==
 +  * Supportive and energising group of people; Imaginative, energetic, energising and funny; Respectful; Genuine and committed people; Passionate, focussed and willing to put in time
 +  * Open - want to be doing this; Openness of everyone in embracing something new - nice people
 +  * Enthusiasm, engagement and energy of members during LAB meetings
 +  * Broad range of skills, expertise and organisation; Balance of skills and knowledge
 +  * Good balance of personalities
 +  * Willingness to communicate
 +  * Good size of group
 +  * Good vibes!
 +== Time & space to explore ===
 +  * Flexibility, freedom
 +  * Time spent together without explicit xxx/outcomes
 +  * Thinking about issues from different perspectives
 +  * Lack of territoriality and competition
 +  * Building connections within the group
 +  * Time, workshops to explore - facilitation has helped
 +  * New dimensions brought in from CGF (e.g. other labs and communities)
 +  * Workshops in stimulating environments - allowing us to think outside our daily / OP’s (?)
 +== Community building ==
 +  * Listening and finding out about different ways we create change
 +  * A clearer sense of each other and the interests from our organisations
 +  * We are trying to understand each others’ strengths and see how working together could add value
 +  * Building a sense of vision and ambition
 +  * The team is becoming more confidently creative and innovative - sharing and talking more - developing a TRUSTED network; Trust each other to share ideas, thoughts strengths and weaknesses - no territoriality
 +  * Self-organising - members of the team are taking the lead on aspects of work - shared leadership
 +  * Individual initiative starts the ball rolling (e.g. Heather - Plastics, Giles - Vision/mission, Sue - Values, Aniol - Incubator…)
 +  * Finding a common project (e.g. Plastic pollution) to get our teeth into a specific challenge, that uses existing skills and interests - sum bigger than parts.
 +  * Mix of work and social
 +  * Developing new networks and relationships; Global -> local networks
 +== Support ==
 +  * CGF: Hands-on engagement, support and guidance of Louisa and CGF, their agility and responsiveness (e.g. supporting conference attendance(?)
 +  * Facilitators: Support + facilitation and advance planning; facilitators help to keep on track; Capturing and documenting of what happened
 +  * Connections of the group to 'enablers' (e.g. Oak)
 +=== What needs more work? ===
 +== Time! ==
 +  * Time to deliver our potential of all ideas and projects
 +  * Finding enough time to engage outside of project ideas are not core business
 +  * More time thinking and developing a framework for evaluation
 +  * Retain energy over longer term; retain energy once in project delivery mode
 +  * Communication between meetings; time to do things and connect between meetings (though it is happening); Embedding CoLAB work between workshops - last minute flurry of preparation for each one. 
 +  * Information overload - not always possible to digest what is shared
 +== CoLAB ==
 +  * Define a sense of direction
 +  * Clarity of vision and objectives
 +  * Application of value frame to other work
 +  * Come back to CGF’s aim valuing the oceans and thinking about strategies to tackle this directly - not getting caught in the "project trap", keeping our ambition at a "game changing" level; Avoiding silos and splits between different threads
 +  * Developing ideas/projects on more underlying but important challenges (e.g. transparency)
 +  * Identify the best skills and input a Marcolab project can give to specific needs
 +  * Bringing in more of an "arts + culture" viewpoint
 +  * Articulation of where Marine CoLAB fits with other initiatives
 +  * Structure to support without becoming burdensome machine
 +  * Need to figure out how to enable effective communication (between individuals, between the CoLAB and the organisations)
 +== Communication and stakeholder engagement ==
 +  * Clearly communicating what the Marine CoLAB is and does
 +  * Connecting beyond the LAB, both with LAB organisations and other orgs.
 +  * Promotion of ideas and approaches to wider community
 +  * Connecting to other things happening at CGF: other projects and areas of work CGF supports + learning from other work CGF supported
 +  * System to enable dissemination of thoughts and approaches and coalesce (?)
 +  * (fishermen, mpa’s, pollution)
 +  * Ability to integrate others in some aspects, without losing cohesion of the group
 +  * Creative communications - communicating complex concepts, training…
 +== Organisational buy-in ==
 +  * Dedicated staff
 +  * In-house skills and capacity for four group projects
 +  * Us as individuals in CoLAB vs us as organisation; thinking about organisational/institutional buy-in and engagement; using more of the entire skillsets of organisations (e.g. corporate responsibility, 'creative' legal approaches, etc.; connecting beyond individuals to others in our organisations; additional collaborators to deliver projects (buy-in); would like to draw on expertise of colleagues 
 +  * Understanding how to manage and maximise positive feedback into participating organisations
 +====Future of Marine CoLAB====
 +( see stories & photos )
 ====Mission / MIX==== ====Mission / MIX====
-{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/23248578401/ ?maxheight=400}}{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/23331148065/ ?maxheight=400}}{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/22963124089/ ?maxheight=400}} 
 ====Values based approach==== ====Values based approach====
 {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/23331171505}}\\ {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/23331171505}}\\
 +  * developing a shared language based around values we can use to communicate within the group
 +  * 'values of people' <--> 'value of the oceans'
 +  * uncovering existing values, aligning values
 +  * issue based theory of change -> value based
 +  * bringing various voices, with various values into discussion
 ====Project Incubator==== ====Project Incubator====
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 {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/23035387720}}\\ {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/23035387720}}\\
 +(cross reference with Aniol's notes)
 +  * ways to identify strategic lines of work
 +  * list of relevant projects
 +    * marine safe
 +    * coastal partnership network 
 +    * Thames river academy (educational projects)
 +    * beach watch
 +    * capturing the value of our coast (citizen science, data collection)
 +    * capacity building at FFI (new educational programmes, masters, adult ed. etc)
 +    * strengthening NGO capacity in Portugal (aniol)
 +    * common ground (community voice project followup, biz case for marine resource mgmt)
 +    * MPA programme (increase in capacity for creating marine protected areas)
 +    * (FFI co-management approach)
 +    * sustainable seafood in Portugal (MCS & Client Earth - reducing unlawful fishing)
 +    * ocean schools (ocean awareness as part of general knowledge, general education)
 +    * #oceanoptismism (changing narrative around oceans -> more focus on successes & communication of best practice)
 +    * Blue New Deal
 +    * diverting EU marine funding to 'good things' (European funding opportunities)
 +  * three main groupings
 +    * opportunities around MPA & spatial planning, policy related
 +    * schools, training & educational projects
 +    * exporting knowledge & support / capacity building
 +  * (global wave conference)
 +  * capturing the value of our coast -> possible focus for various experiments, data collection & value testing
 +  * rethinking projects in terms of value lens, changes of impact with contributions from other partners
 +  * time-line and potential interactions between projects (dependencies....)
 +  * next steps
 +    * find specific ways for marine colab to inform existing and new projects, either as advisers, 
 +    * write up value space for each project -> further mapping
 +    * Aniol to compile & reformat existing info by end of the week
 +    * edits, additions and value prompt to be submitted by Dec. 4th
 ====Game On!==== ====Game On!====
  • marine_colab/workshop_20151125.txt
  • Last modified: 2016-08-10 09:48
  • by nik