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marine_colab:workshop_20151125 [2015-12-01 11:23] – [Marine CoLAB so far] majamarine_colab:workshop_20151125 [2016-01-20 13:24] maja
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 ==== Marine CoLABoration Workshop - November 2015 ==== ==== Marine CoLABoration Workshop - November 2015 ====
-[[start|Marine CoLAB]] workshop held at the London Zoo+The last [[start|Marine CoLAB]] workshop in 2015, held at the London Zoo on the 25th of November. Louisa Hooper compared it to standing at the seashore at low tide, with rocks and mud emerging from under water, when we can begin to see the peaks, as well as what lies beneath. One of the biggest challenges for this workshop and the year ahead is how to work more effectively with the resources available. The importance of keeping the big picture visible was emphasised, alongside the practicalities of projects, activities and campaigns.  
 +In the morning the participants focused om **Marine CoLAB as a whole**. Beginning with a reflection on //Marine CoLAB so far//, looking at what has worked and what needs more work. Grounded in this experience they moved into a visioning process lead by Giles to clarify the Marine CoLAB //vision and mission//. At the end of the morning Sue took the group through a beautiful presentation and discussion of a //values based approach//, as a lens that can be used to shape and evaluate projects, experiments and the initiative itself. In the afternoon, the focus shifted to the **Marine CoLAB project incubator**, beginning with a broad //mapping of existing and emerging projects// by participating organisations which could be relevant to Marine CoLAB facilitated by Aniol. Two following sessions discussed the projects that emerged from previous workshops: possible directions for //GameOn// guided by Sandy and a working/planning session for the //Plastic Bottles project// lead by Heather. The day ended with a session about the future of **Marine CoLAB in 2016**.
 ==== Participants ===== ==== Participants =====
 Louisa Hooper, Heather Koldewey, Sandy Luk, Nicola Frost, Amy Pryor, Aniol Esteban, Giles Bristow, Sue Ranger, Mirella von Lindenfels, Sarah Ridley. Louisa Hooper, Heather Koldewey, Sandy Luk, Nicola Frost, Amy Pryor, Aniol Esteban, Giles Bristow, Sue Ranger, Mirella von Lindenfels, Sarah Ridley.
 Facilitators: Maja Kuzmanovic, Nik Gaffney, Vali Lalioti  Facilitators: Maja Kuzmanovic, Nik Gaffney, Vali Lalioti 
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 +====Marine CoLAB so far====
-==== Framing ====+The morning began by distilling a few points from previous discussions on the future of Marine CoLAB which can be used as a starting point or a point of discussion about Marine CoLAB in 2016 and beyond. Marine CoLAB participants are keen to seize opportunities, to re-frame challenges and refresh whole systems. They do this by being a part of trusted collaborations and networks. After a year of working together, the facilitators added that the participants are very keen to- and good at designing and working on projects. 
- +At the very first workshop the participants designed a range of possible future scenarios for Marine CoLAB and the worlds in which it could exist. The different futures had two things in common: Marine CoLAB would be integrating values and innovation, as well as establishing and strengthening connections (between the ocean and society, between business and governments, bridging the gapes between local and global governance of oceans).
-This is the last workshop of the first year of Marine CoLAB. Louisa Hooper compared it to standing at the seashore at low tide, with rocks and mud emerging under water, so we can begin to see the peaks, as well as what underlies them. One of the biggest challenges for this workshop and the coming year is how to do less with game-changing effectiveness. It is important to look at the big picture as well well as the practicalities of the months and year(s) to come.  +
- +
-Maja Kuzmanovic looked back over the notes of the past year and distilled a few points from previous discussions on the future of Marine CoLAB, that can be used as a starting point or a point of discussion, when looking forward to 2016 and beyond. Marine CoLAB participants are keen to seize opportunities to reframe challenges and refresh whole systems. They do this by being a part of trusted collaborations and networks. After a year of working together, the facilitators added that the participants are very keen to and good at designing and working on projects.  +
- +
-At the very first workshop the participants designed a range of possible future scenarios for Marine CoLAB and the worlds in which it would exist. The different futures had two things in common: Marine CoLAB would be integrating values and innovation, as well as establishing and strengthening connections (between the ocean and society, between business and governments, bridging the gapes between local and global governance of oceans). +
 Over the course of several workshops, a range of challenges for Marine CoLAB were identified, including systemic change, public engagement, valuing (cultural dimensions) of oceans, perception of marine conservation, transparency of marine industries and plastic pollution of oceans. The facilitators observed an additional challenge: developing a sustainable support network beyond and in-between projects. This is something that began to be addressed in Lisbon and continues in this workshop.  Over the course of several workshops, a range of challenges for Marine CoLAB were identified, including systemic change, public engagement, valuing (cultural dimensions) of oceans, perception of marine conservation, transparency of marine industries and plastic pollution of oceans. The facilitators observed an additional challenge: developing a sustainable support network beyond and in-between projects. This is something that began to be addressed in Lisbon and continues in this workshop. 
-Finally, before delving into the futures, mission, values and a range of experiments, projects and activities, it might be helpful to remind ourselves of the CGF’s goal for Marine CoLAB: **To communicate the role of the ocean for human wellbeing (particularly connecting natural sciences and economy).**.  +Finally, before delving into the futures, mission, values and a range of experiments, projects and activities, we reminded ourselves of the CGF’s goal for Marine CoLAB: **To communicate the role of the ocean for human wellbeing** (particularly connecting natural sciences and economy). 
- +
- +
-====Marine CoLAB so far====+
 === What worked? === === What worked? ===
 == People == == People ==
-  * Supportive and energising group of people; Imaginative, energetic, energising and funny; Respectful; Genuine and committed people; Passionate, focussed and willing to put in time +  * Supportive and energising group of people; Imaginative, energetic, energising and funny; Respectful; Genuine and committed people; Passionate, focused and willing to put in time when required. 
-  * Open - want to be doing this; Openness of everyone in embracing something new - nice people+  * Open - want to be doing this; Openness of everyone in embracing something new
   * Enthusiasm, engagement and energy of members during LAB meetings   * Enthusiasm, engagement and energy of members during LAB meetings
   * Broad range of skills, expertise and organisation; Balance of skills and knowledge   * Broad range of skills, expertise and organisation; Balance of skills and knowledge
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 == Time & space to explore === == Time & space to explore ===
   * Flexibility, freedom   * Flexibility, freedom
-  * Time spent together without explicit xxx/outcomes+  * Time spent together without explicit agendas/outcomes
   * Thinking about issues from different perspectives   * Thinking about issues from different perspectives
   * Lack of territoriality and competition   * Lack of territoriality and competition
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   * New dimensions brought in from CGF (e.g. other labs and communities)   * New dimensions brought in from CGF (e.g. other labs and communities)
   * Workshops in stimulating environments - allowing us to think outside our daily / OP’s (?)   * Workshops in stimulating environments - allowing us to think outside our daily / OP’s (?)
 == Community building == == Community building ==
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 == Support == == Support ==
-  * CGF: Hands-on engagement, support and guidance of Louisa and CGF, their agility and responsiveness (e.g. supporting conference attendance(?+  * CGF: Hands-on engagement, support and guidance of Louisa and CGF, their agility and responsiveness (e.g. supporting conference attendance, networking
-  * Facilitators: Support facilitation and advance planning; facilitators help to keep on track; Capturing and documenting of what happened+  * Facilitators: Supportfacilitation and advance planning; facilitators help to keep on track; Capturing and documenting of what happened.
   * Connections of the group to 'enablers' (e.g. Oak)   * Connections of the group to 'enablers' (e.g. Oak)
 === What needs more work? === === What needs more work? ===
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 == Time! == == Time! ==
   * Time to deliver our potential of all ideas and projects   * Time to deliver our potential of all ideas and projects
-  * Finding enough time to engage outside of project ideas are not core business+  * Finding enough time to engage outside of project ideas that are not core business
   * More time thinking and developing a framework for evaluation   * More time thinking and developing a framework for evaluation
   * Retain energy over longer term; retain energy once in project delivery mode   * Retain energy over longer term; retain energy once in project delivery mode
-  * Communication between meetings; time to do things and connect between meetings (though it is happening); Embedding CoLAB work between workshops - last minute flurry of preparation for each one. +  * Communication between meetings; time to do things and connect between meetings (though it is happening); Embedding CoLAB work between workshops - often a last minute flurry of preparation for each one. 
   * Information overload - not always possible to digest what is shared   * Information overload - not always possible to digest what is shared
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 === What can we improve? === === What can we improve? ===
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 == Communication ==  == Communication == 
-(within organisation, with stakeholders)+(within organisations, with stakeholders)
   * Focus outwards   * Focus outwards
-  * Create a thought piece explaining something like "this is the benefit of 12 months of Marine CoLAB", using the plastics project and other key outcomes as milestones. +  * Create a thought piece explaining something like "this is the benefit of 12 months of Marine CoLAB", using the plastics project and other key outcomes as milestones. Communicate how Marine CoLAB affected ways of working, what effects it had on specific projects, potential long term value for oceans, etc. 
-Communicate how it affected ways of working, what effects it had on specific projects, potential long term value for oceans, etc. +
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 +The visions of Marine CoLAB in 2021
 +  * Value is at heart of Marine CoLAB, connecting the public with oceans and increasing the environmental benefit. Value is also a challenge for Marine CoLAB, defining the rules of the game. The CoLAB is a framework that feeds the organisations involved with game-changing ideas and projects. It isn’t quite clear what the size of its pond is, but it is likely that its purpose is to think, or perhaps think and implement, more likely to connect and spawn initiatives rather than do everything itself. 
 +  * Marine CoLAB perpetuates change in three areas: governmental/governance, corporate and public awareness. In 2021 Marine CoLAB made the new biodiversity treaty possible, the planning of land and sea is integrated, there are now ocean ministers and ambassadors, aquatic carbon sinks have been established and new super-ports are operational. In the corporate arena Marine CoLAB was involved in successful collaboration with industries (plastic and others) and the world has seen significant carbon cuts. In terms of public awareness, the widespread and mutually beneficial engagement of people with oceans is increasing due to Marine CoLAB’s persistent efforts. 
 +  * Clarity about the added value of Marine CoLAB, for the organisations and the world. There is a clear articulation of strategy in three strands:
 +    * Actual experiments that show change; including learning from the process, replicating and adapting experiments to other areas, developing metrics, etc. 
 +    * Good internal and external communication reaching broad audiences
 +    * Values shift
 ====Mission / MIX==== ====Mission / MIX====
-( cross reference wGiles' notes )+<blockquote>Marine CoLAB is a network focused on values based solutions to protect and restore the oceanWe exist because a collective is a powerful means to address the urgent need for humans to value the ocean and drive change. We aim to achieve a shift in how the ocean is valued by individuals and society to improve ocean health. We tackle these issues by collaborating, incubating, innovating, catalysing and influencing.</blockquote>
-  * network focused on values based solutions to protect & restore the ocean +  * Value shift: what is Marine CoLAB’s theory of change? All participating organisations have one, but the glue could be the 'values based approach’   
-  a collective is a powerful means to address the urgent need for humans to value the oceans & drive change +    Recognising existing values, rather than changing or creating 'new' values 
-  we aim to achieve a shift in how the  ocean is valued by individuals and society to improve ocean health+    What is the timeframe?
-  * recognising existing values, rather than changing or creating 'new' values+Glue: values based → USP → what is the BIGGER SHIFT the lab wants to focus on (e.g. climate changefossil fuels and oceans - a big goal to strive towards)? What are the relevant values for this goal? As a lab, how do we experiment with strategies?  Is it economic transformation the Marine COLAB is looking for? Perceptual shifts, cultural change, or something else?
-  we tackle the issues by collaboratingincubatinginnovatingcatalysing and influencing+When talking about a values based approach, there could be two possibilities: 
 +  Recognising and amplifying values: the CoLAB needs clearer ideas for methods to 'amplify' existing values. Behavioural change can be a result of recognisinguncovering & understanding existing valuesas well as finding where values of oceans and people are at odds and experimenting with ways to make them not at odds any longer.  
 +  * Changing values: a more pro-active processalthough perhaps an impossibility - possibly better to focus on changing behaviours instead.  
 +To do in 2016 → look at values based campaigning [[http://www.campaignstrategy.org/|Chris Rose]] and also NEF’s approaches. 
 +==Next steps== 
 +  * Giles to compile a proposal for a mission statement based on these reflections and the materials from Lisbon. 
 +( cross reference w. Giles' notes )
-  * s/collection/network 
-  * values based -> USP 
-  * requires time-frame?  
-  * we aim to achieve 
-    * organisations all have a theory of change, glue is the values based piece... 
-    * as a lab, how do we experiment with strategies? 
-    * economic shift? perceptual shifts? 
-  * clearer ideas for methods to 'amplify' existing values 
-  * behaviour shift as a result of uncovering existing values, finding where values & behaviour are at odds. 
-  * something for 2016 -> values based campaigning (chris rose ? also NEF) 
 ====Values based approach==== ====Values based approach====
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-There is a need to find a language all Marine CoLAB participants understand, paying attention to jargon. There is a difference between the term "values" and "value", both are part of one whole, but can be understood quite differently. Sue’s session focused on values that connect people and places. What is important in a place? Values are developed through experience and interaction, and form the heartfelt connections between the people and a place, adding to human wellbeing. From these connections "cultural ecosystem services" beyond monetary value can be developed. They include a wider context, create whole ecosystems of interconnected disciplines (e.g. conservation, economy, mythology, wellbeing…) and incorporate different ways of talking and telling stories about a place.  They deliver benefits to human wellbeing and are connected to other ecosystem services.+== Presentation by Sue Ranger ==
-In order to uncover deeper values, we need to start with basic connectedness (of people and places, different disciplines, different people. This can form a glue, a common basis and shared understanding. +There is a need to find a language all Marine CoLAB participants understand, paying attention to jargon. There is a difference between the term "values" and "value", both are part of one whole, but can be understood quite differently. Sue’s presentation focused on values that connect people and places. What is important in a place? Values are developed through experience and interaction, and form the heartfelt connections between the people and a place, adding to human wellbeing. From these connections "cultural ecosystem services" beyond monetary value can be developed. They include a wider context, create whole ecosystems of interconnected disciplines (e.g. conservation, economy, mythology, wellbeing…) and incorporate different ways of talking and telling stories about a place.  They deliver benefits to human wellbeing and are connected to other ecosystem services. 
 +In order to uncover deeper values, we need to start with basic connectedness (of people and places, different disciplines...). This can form a glue, a common basis and shared understanding. 
   * developing a shared language based around values we can use to communicate within the group   * developing a shared language based around values we can use to communicate within the group
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   * issue based theory of change -> value based   * issue based theory of change -> value based
   * bringing various voices, with various values into discussion   * bringing various voices, with various values into discussion
 +== Discussion ==
 +The values based approach is the hallmark of Marine CoLAB, a prism or lens through which the LAB and its activities are designed and assessed. Filling the gap between the values of humans and the value of oceans. The value of oceans tends to be misunderstood and needs to be communicated differently. An **iconic campaign** might help, as well as focusing on issues by describing the value of oceans, such as the plastics project and other **values based experiments**, that would include learning, capturing, evaluation, etc. 
 +There are different methods to approach values, depending on the theory of change applied. Should Marine CoLAB have one or more theory of change? Is there a generic TOC or a range of context specific theories that can mobilise new voices and gather evidence? Is the uniqueness of Marine CoLAB’s TOC important? Would it not be more relevant to focus on adding value? 
 +What are the values of Marine CoLAB? Could **shared values** be Marine CoLAB’s focus at all times and across all projects?  Is there a spectrum of existing values that are shared (instrinsic/extrinsic, economic & cultural, individual & collective, etc.)? By working with a range of different values this approach can focus on whichever value catalyses different target groups - starting from their existing values, connecting them to oceans and each other, making the values collective and shared. 
 +How to begin using a values based approach in Marine CoLAB: **learn by doing**!
 +==Next steps ==
 +  * invite speakers
 +  * share readings
 +  * personal exercises (akin to Sue’s values presentation)
 +  * incorporating it in projects
 +  * values a part of all Marine CoLAB communication 
 ====Project Incubator==== ====Project Incubator====
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-(cross reference with Aniol's notes) +Mapping existing and emerging projects by organisations as a way to identify strategic lines of work for Marine CoLAB
- +
-  * ways to identify strategic lines of work +
-  * list of relevant projects +
-    * marine safe +
-    * coastal partnership network  +
-    * Thames river academy (educational projects) +
-    * beach watch +
-    * capturing the value of our coast (citizen science, data collection) +
-    * capacity building at FFI (new educational programmes, masters, adult ed. etc) +
-    * strengthening NGO capacity in Portugal (aniol) +
-    * common ground (community voice project followup, biz case for marine resource mgmt) +
-    * MPA programme (increase in capacity for creating marine protected areas) +
-    * (FFI co-management approach) +
-    * sustainable seafood in Portugal (MCS & Client Earth - reducing unlawful fishing) +
-    * ocean schools (ocean awareness as part of general knowledge, general education) +
-    * #oceanoptismism (changing narrative around oceans -> more focus on successes & communication of best practice) +
-    * Blue New Deal +
-    * diverting EU marine funding to 'good things' (European funding opportunities)+
-  * three main groupings+The participants identified three main groupings for projects
     * opportunities around MPA & spatial planning, policy related     * opportunities around MPA & spatial planning, policy related
     * schools, training & educational projects     * schools, training & educational projects
     * exporting knowledge & support / capacity building     * exporting knowledge & support / capacity building
-  * (global wave conference) 
-  * capturing the value of our coast -> possible focus for various experiments, data collection & value testing 
-  * rethinking projects in terms of value lens, changes of impact with contributions from other partners 
-  * time-line and potential interactions between projects (dependencies....) 
-  next steps +List of relevant projects 
-    find specific ways for marine colab to inform existing and new projects, either as advisers,  + 
-    write up value space for each project -> further mapping +== MPAs and marine planning == 
-    * Aniol to compile & reformat existing info by end of the week +  [[http://www.marinesafe.org/|Marine Safe]]; a campaign to remove pollutants from personal care products 
-    * edits, additions and value prompt to be submitted by Dec. 4th+  Common ground: [[http://www.sussex-ifca.gov.uk/repository/230115_Merged%20outputs_For%20web+participants.pdf|Community Voice Project]] followup, business case for marine resource management 
 +  * MPA campaign/programme at MCS: increase in capacity for creating marine protected areas, funded opportunity to experiment, potential involvement of Marine CoLAB; engage public in new ways and extend staff capacity 
 +  * Sustainable seafood in Portugal, Spain and EU (NEF, MCS & Client Earth - reducing unlawful fishing; scoping, looking at minimal standards for the seafood industry; including different stakeholders (policy, communities, judges), starting from holistic values and working on changing rules and compliance 
 +  * [[http://www.bluenewdeal.org/|Blue New Deal]], a possible platform to carry MarCoLab stories. 
 +  * [[http://www.coastalpartnershipsnetwork.org.uk/|Coastal Partnerships Network]], a possible vehicle for MarCoLab initiative trials, information dissemination and feedback nationally. UK Marine Planning is about to create opportunities for Coastal Partnerships to become individually more robust and realise ambitions for Integrated Coastal Zone Management. There are opportunities for the MarCoLab to play a central role in shaping the future of Coastal Partnerships and management on UK coasts with values at the heart of it. 
 +==Education and communication== 
 +  * Thames river academy (educational projects) across different sectorsusing rivers and seas as the bedrock of the curriculum and active environmental projects as the basis for transferable skills training. 
 +  * Ocean schools: ocean awareness as part of general knowledgegeneral education 
 +  [[http://www.mcsuk.org/beachwatch/|Beach Watch]]: citizen science and innovation labs 
 +  * [[https://twitter.com/capturingrcoast|Capturing our coast]]: citizen science, data collection and social research capturing value 
 +  * [[https://twitter.com/hashtag/oceanoptism|#oceanoptismism]]: a network for changing narratives around oceans -> more focus on successes & communication of best practice 
 +==Capacity building== 
 +  * [[http://www.coastalpartnershipsnetwork.org.uk/|Coastal Partnerships Network]] currently the Network is run voluntarily but there is a push to create consistency across each Coastal Partnership whilst retaining their local focus and delivery. Capacity needs to be built nationally to ensure marine and estuarine health is at the heart of all local development and economic decisions. The ambition is that each Coastal Partnership plays a neutral, honest broker role to ensure all sectors are involved in coastal management. 
 +  * Capacity building at FFI: new educational programmes, scholarships, masters, adult ed., support for organisations 
 +  * (FFI co-management approach) 
 +     * Related: strengthening NGO capacity in Portugal (Aniol) 
 +  * Diverting EU marine funding to 'good things' (European funding opportunities) 
 +  * http://www.frameworksinstitute.org/|Frameworks]] research 
 +== Next steps == 
 +    * Aniol to compile & reformat existing info by end of the week, make a [[Project Incubator Form]] 
 +    * Edits, additions and value prompt to be submitted by Dec. 4th 
 +    * (cross reference these notes with Aniol's notes) 
 +    * Next workshop:  
 +      * Find specific ways for Marine CoLAB to inform or engage with existing and new projects (e.g. advisers)  
 +      * Write up value space for each project -> further mapping 
 +      * Rethink projects in terms of value lens, changes of impact with contributions from other partners, possibly create a time-line and potential interactions between projects (dependencies....) 
 ====Game On!==== ====Game On!====
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 +Ocean Engagement: gaming approaches
-  * (cross reference with Sandy's notes) +"We're close to a tipping point on ocean experience games" 
-  * ideas that have surfaced / developed + 
-    * challengehow/when to engage the pubic to change rules / process +Challenge: "how can we change perception of the value of oceans through digital media?" 
-    * concluded that the first experiment was not so game focused, perhaps more suitable as a training tool +GameOn is an experiment to test the hypothesis that it is possible to do this by developing games or influencing game developers.  
-    * perhaps better to focus on more general 'ocean awareness' + 
-    * two main options +Several ides have surfaced, all with challenges and opportunities. The common challenge for all is deciding how and when to engage the pubic in the process, and who the target audience is (children, gamers, game developers…). It remains interesting to look at ways to make conservation games more mainstream, while at the same time focusing on awareness and education. There are many possible partners, but the CoLAB needs specific contacts and entry points to the games industry. 
-      "we're close to tipping point on ocean experience games, imagery is swamped in action games" + 
-      influence exiting game devs or filmmakers / ocean 'consultants'best practice guide +The first [[game on experiment]] focused on public engagement with rules related to oceans, which might be less game focused, perhaps more suitable as a training tool. Instead, it might be better to focus on more general 'ocean awareness'. So far it looks like there are two main possible directions: 
-    * current strands +  __Develop game__ (see below) 
-      coached lab space to develop game(s) and/or app(s) +  __Influence game developers__: develop best practice guides, become a "one stop shop" or "think tank" for film makers and game developers… This approach would encourage leadership in design communities related to connecting transmedia stories to the value of oceans. 
-      develop add ons to existing games + 
-      develop games as tie ins to other games/films/etc +If Marine CoLAB would develop a game, different approaches are possible:     
-        * BBC docosgoogle oceannatgeo, etc +  **Coached lab session** or "challenge workshop" to develop (mini) game(s) and/or app(s) and add-ons to games, with different stakeholders. There is a possibility to conduct this experiment at ZSL, similar to 'fish hackathons'. The focus is on the process (journey) and education of diverse participants. Through the journey of a lab development session the participants create simple experiments to test the ideas and if successful, find ways to scale them. 
-      * mainstream marine conservation game (cf. beyond (..?) rising tide - maxis?) +  * Develop **add-ons to existing games** 
-    * games can also be used as fund-raising vehicles +  Develop games as **tie-ins** to other games/films/etc (add to transmedia stories including BBC documentariesGoogle OceanNatural Geographic programmes, etc) 
-    * simple experiments to test ides -> scale +  Develop a full-blown mainstream **marine conservation game**, e.g. a ’simcity-like’ versions of initial scenarios (from [[http://lib.fo.am/marine_colab/workshop_201501|Workshop 1]], or SIM_MPA (cf. beyond (..?) rising tide - maxis?). The interesting aspects of this approach is to enhance both digital games with marine content and experiences of oceans for the gaming community (e.g. using augmented reality). 
-    * possible direction +    
-       -> sim city like versions of initial scenarios (workshop 1+ 
-  three existing options for progress / requiring feedback +Out of these directions, the group distilled three most promising options for progress and looked at their advantages and disadvantages: 
-    * small lab games (c.f fish hackathon) + 
-      advantage; existing format, easier to test assumptions with small games, process based learning +== Small Lab Games== 
-      disadvantage; does a game actually 'work' as a way to develop connections to the oceans?, hackathon outcomes can be lacklustre. potentially limited impact. +  Advantages: existing format, easier to test assumptions with small games, practice-based learning of values; connecting environmental and technological challenges 
-    * full on game +  Disadvantages: does developing mini game in a lab actually 'work' as a way to develop connections to the oceans? Hackathon process can be too technology focusedthe outcomes can be lacklustre, with limited audience impact. 
-      * advantage; AR tech becoming cheaper easier to createexisting research from BBC on AR in education, potentially wide audience, amplification+ 
-      * disadvantage; high expectations, cost of development, educational games are usually boring, competitive +==Marine Conservation Game== 
-      * questions; target audience? SIM-MPA?  +      * Advantages: Making such a game would connect digital and conservation worldsThere is possibly large impact and educational opportunities, potentially reaching wide audiences, and amplification of Marine CoLAB messages. Augmented Reality (ARtech becoming cheapereasier to create and access (see existing research from BBC on AR in education)Added advantage: experiencing remote places without having to travel there (e.g. Galapagos with ZSL) 
-    * marine game/film leadership +      * Disadvantages high expectations, competitive market, difficult to create impact, cost of development is high, educational games are perceived as boring 
-      * advantage; might be scope for a 'think tank' with more general (less issue/agenda based) consulting,  + 
-         good time for BBC Oceans, influence through others. how to maintain contact with influencers +==Influencing Game Developers== 
-      * disadvantage'Nemo effect' (clown fish), Disney often difficult to work with, span of control is extended, possible dilution. +      * Advantages might be scope for a 'think tank' with more general (less issue/agenda based) consulting where Marine CoLAB can add positive messages, influence through others; connection points to value of oceans through different media; broader impact than developing a single game - potential for driving systemic change, for example by connecting to games bloggers and journalists 
-  * ZSL project, virtual Chagos, funding during 2016. British, controversial, inaccessible. +      * Disadvantages: Hard to reach and connect this target group for mutual benefit (though this is slowly changing); Nemo effect' (clown fish), Disney often difficult to work with, span of control is extended, possible dilution. 
-  * interest + 
-    * giles, testing assumptions, experiments + 
-    heather, perhaps as a masters project for students {Exeter uni, Chagos project) +==Next steps== 
-    * mirella, perhaps more preliminary research to see which option is most promising +  * more preliminary research to see which option is most promising    
-    * MSCexisting contacts (octonauts) potential test audience. +    * SandySue & Heather: Potential research questions, masters topics for students of Exeter University: "next week" to draft a few paragraphs re. research scope etc. Envisaged results: a "research think piece 
-  * next steps;  +    * Heather: connect this experiment to the ZSL project on virtual Chagos (British, controversial, inaccessible), funding during 2016 for a workshop/lab/hackathon. This can be used as a test case for the "small lab games" approach 
-    * potential research questions, masters topics.  +    * Sue/MCS, probe existing contacts (Octonauts) as potential test audience. 
-    * sandy, sue & heather draft a few paragraphs re. research scope etc. "next week"+ 
 +  (cross reference with Sandy's notes)
 ====Plastics project==== ====Plastics project====
Line 271: Line 308:
 {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/22963277999/}}\\ {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/22963277999/}}\\
-  successful funding proposal + 
-    mayoral election in may 2016 +Working session of the now fully funded (CGF & OAK Foundation) Marine CoLAB project: campaign to make London free of Single Use Plastic Bottles. 
-    focus as a marine project rather than just about 'rubbish' + 
-    * "fountains for the future" project link, roll out in summer 2016 +Three topics to touch on: 
-    * closer look at what has failed, expected backlash, sustainability, strategy +  Values 
-    required; project implementation plantimelineexternal deadlineskickoff meeting (before xmas) +  Reality check (commitments, plans) 
-    collaborative structure; + 
-      2 ppl full time - project mgmt at ZSL (via Project Oceans), narrative & communication TEP + 
-      FF interns some staff for research & background, active mapping process +==Values== 
-      governanceoverview committee, advisory group + 
-      * connections with existing NGOs working in 'plastics space' +What will make individuals change behaviour (intrinsic, economic…)? 
-      * Emma Cunningham re. stakeholder interviews, industry, NGOs, etc +  Look at Frameworks research and qualitative research 
-      * how to ensure 'best advice' is maintained, front of house role? +  * How to avoid industry backlash? 
-    * strategy for mayoral candidates +  * How to make it sustainable? 
-    * establish list of allies, existing contacts and relevant conversations, meetings required. +  * Focus as a marine project rather than just about 'rubbish' 
-    * any upcoming 'big things' to connect to (world cup, etc) esp. positioning for London? +  Have to have a closer look at what has failed in other projects to inform strategy 
-    * start compling hideous facts about single use bottles +  how to ensure 'best advice' is maintainedfront of house role? 
-    * potential case studies (selfridges, ZSL, etc) +  * start compling hideous facts about single use bottles 
-    * how do we explicitly test values based research?+  * Design campaign to include values as an essential part of it: continue discussion at the brainstorming meeting in December. 
 +  * How to explicitly test values based research? 
 +== Reality Check == 
 +The funding proposal was successful: now a few urgent things to do: 
 +  * By 11 December 2015All: Re:read the proposal, agree on commitments and/or adapt if needed.  
 +  ASAP: Heather, Steve, Louisa: paperwork 
 +Collaborative structure 
 +  Project management at ZSL (via Project Oceans), narrative & communication TEP 
 +  Governance: overview committee, advisory group - needs to be finalised 
 +  * Recruiting: By 16 December: Heather Amy: draft job descriptions for 2 FTEs (and form an interview panel), advertise in December 
 +  * January: interview applicants 
 +  * Compile a project team ASAP 
 +  * Giles/FF: has staff for research & background, active mapping process. Connect FF’s interns to work on researching case studies (Bristol (tap friendly, public fountains…) Selfridges, ZSL, etc), C40, cities as chanpions, COP, tourism, Blue Bell… 
 +  (Longer term): Form advisory group with different stakeholders (Sue has ideas) 
 +Implementation plan 
 +  * 16 December: Initial startup meeting: Heather, Mirella, Amy, Giles, Louisa 
 +  * 12 January (from 2pm) Full planning meeting with other experts from organisations 
 +  * After January plan at least one meeting per month 
 +  * Short term focus: Mayoral election in May 2016: need strategy for mayoral candidates - Campaigns are written NOW (Louisa has a few people who should be engaged in this):  
 +    * How to get a meetingExploratory conversations to identify what is the opportunity for the candidates. 
 +    * Offer solutions/alternatives: economic benefitscarbon emission reduction, making London less dirty…. 
 +  * Longer term: Systems Mapping exercise and stakeholder conversations (linked to advisory group) 
 +  Identify target groups (from systems mapping) 
 +  * Outsource research: to e.g. frameworks research - additional funding will be available for this research from CGF. Which questions need asking? 
 +    * Link to related initiatives, e.g. "fountains for the future" project link (roll out in summer 2016), connections with existing NGOs working in 'plastics space'; e.g. Emma Cunningham re. stakeholder interviews, industry, NGOs, etc. Establish list of allies, existing contacts and relevant conversations, meetings required. 
 +  Research any upcoming 'big things' to connect to (world cup, etc) esp. positioning for London? 
 ====Planning 2016==== ====Planning 2016====
-  * 10 days of time is covered per organisation +10 days of time per organisation is covered by CGF core funding for Marine CoLAB. How best to structure the time? 
-  * how best to structure the time? + 
-  * smaller, structured meetings around particular topics/projects +==Marine CoLAB as a collaborative network== 
-  * aggregating projects (mapping), specific project (plastics) +  * What does a lab community look like? 
-  * discuss learning which emerges from projects +  * Collaboration as an improvement over competition for limited resources 
-  * what can we teach each other +  * Added value of open thinking space, facilitated structure 
-  * sometime for thinking about wider issues, larger context, incubation of vague ideas. +  * Further work required on values, strategy, project updates, planning, evaluation.
-  * time to proactively communicate, +
-  * better integration of partners into project proposals -> more explicit collaborations +
-  * clarify evidence base for the lab, both process and projects +
-  * collaboration as an improvement over competition for limited resources +
-  * how can new/other partners get involved in the future? +
-  * more focus on strategy, strategy work teamexternal communication+
   * 4~6 days of meetings of entire group   * 4~6 days of meetings of entire group
-  * (cf. global strategy for sharks) +  * some time for thinking about wider issues, larger context, incubation of vague ideas (cf. global strategy for sharks) 
-  * added value of open thinking space, facilitated structure +  * What can we teach each other? Discuss learning which emerges from projects 
-  * further work required on values, strategy, project updates, planning, evaluation. +  * More focus on strategy, strategy work teamexternal communication 
-  * circulate set of objectives, further ideas +  * To do: circulate set of objectives, further ideas towards a governance structure, business and operational models (next workshop early 2016) 
-  * what does a lab community look like? + 
-  * strategy for engagement? +== Marine CoLAB Activities / Projects == 
-  * clear criteria for 'a lab project'?+  * Smaller, structured meetings around particular topics/projects 
 +  * Aggregating projects (from existing/emerging projects mapping), work-streams on specific project (now: Plastics) 
 +  * Clarify criteria for 'a lab project' 
 +== Communication and stakeholder engagement == 
 +  * Time to proactively communicate! 
 +  * Clarify evidence base for the lab, both process and projects 
 +  * How can new/other partners get involved in the futureStrategy for engagement? 
 +  * Better integration of partners into project proposals -> more explicit collaborations 
 ====Next Steps==== ====Next Steps====
-  project mapping + 
-    write up value space for each project -> further mapping + 
-    Aniol to compile & reformat existing info by end of the week +07/12 Fill in the Project Incubator Form. 
-    editsadditions and value prompt to be submitted by Dec4th +  The form and questions can be found here: http://lib.fo.am/marine_colab/project_incubator_form 
-  * Game On!  +  * -> Send to Aniol 
-    * potential research questionsmasters topics + 
-    * Sandy, Sue Heather draft a few paragraphs re. research scope etc. "next week" +11/12 Re-read the proposal, agree on commitments. 
-  * Plastics  +  -> Send to Heather 
-    schedule next meetings, brainstorming, etc + 
-    * project implementation plan, timeline, external deadlines. kickoff meeting (before xmas) +16/12 Plastics project working meeting (Marine CoLAB only). 
-    establish list of existing contacts and relevant conversations, meetings required. +  * -> Let Heather know if you’re coming. 
-  * 2016 and further + 
-    write few paragraphs about how Marine CoLab has changed/improved current work +24/12 Write a few paragraphs describing the benefits of Marine CoLAB 
-    * circulate set of objectivesfurther ideas +  e.g. How did it affect ways of workingkey outcomes for you, effects it had on specific projects, long term value etc
-  * each participant to write one page year in review by xmas -> send to louisa+  * -> Send to Louisa. 
 +Dec. GameOn: Potential research questions and masters topics 
 +  -> Sandy, Heather, Sue 
 +  * -> Heather: connect GameOn to 'virtual Chagos' (w/shop in 2016) 
 +  * -> Sue: probe contacts (Octonauts) as potential test audience 
 +Dec. Plastics: 
 +  Project implementation plan, timeline, external deadlines; 
 +  Establish list of contacts, setup meetings 
 +12/01   Plastics: Planning meeting with experts from organisations (2pm) 
 +== Before the next workshop == 
 +  * Circulate set of objectives for Marine CoLAB in 2016 and beyond 
 +  Collect ideas towards governance structure & business models 
 +  * Mission: Giles to send the mission statement for review to all 
 +  * Values: 
 +    * Share reading on this topic online: http://lib.fo.am/marine_colab/recommended_reading 
 +    * Invite speakers (e.g. Chris RoseFrameworks...) 
 +== During the next workshop == 
 +Values based approach 
 +  * All: present your approach to values connecting humans and oceans 
 +  * Values based approach as the hallmark of the Marine CoLAB Strategy 
 +  * Values part of all Marine CoLAB communication 
 +  * Rethink projects in terms of value lens 
 +Vision, Mission, Strategy for Marine CoLAB network 
 +  * Finalise work from previous workshops 
 +  * Discuss business, governance and operational models (incl. best practices from CGF) 
 +Project Incubator 
 +  * Discuss how to inform or engage with existing and new projects 
 +  * Further mapping; Contributions from other partners, possibly a time-line and potential interactions between projects (dependencies…) 
  • marine_colab/workshop_20151125.txt
  • Last modified: 2016-08-10 09:48
  • by nik