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Michka's notes

Here is a tentative portfolio of prior research projects, residencies, workshops, trainings and talks I have done, as well as publications I have written or appear in.

I followed the invitation of Barbara Sher to create an exploration report, including open-ended and unachevied projects.

Originally, this part of the libarynth was first created as a place to document part of my transiency research in 2013-2014.

More recently, I used it to:

  • document the project we performed with Paul Granjon on microbial-fuel-cell-powered robotics.
  • document the two art-science workshops I lead at the Ecole Supérieure d'Arts d'Epinal (ESAL) on phenomenes and sand.
  • list resources on alternative engineering, initially for students from the “Humanities and technology” bachelor in Université Technologique de Compiègne (UTC).
  • other partially structured information : you can check the full list of pages of this namespace here.

You can also join my Telegram channel, register to my aperiodic newsletter, or check my LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile or Twitter feed.

Project sparks that I have in mind these days, contributions welcome:

  • Subsistence, a tentative inventory of inspiring subsistence strategies used by those who want to live the good life, avoid working to make the powerful & wealthy more powerful & wealthier, and/or contribute to the commons in a non-monetizable way.
  • Games for the future, a tentative inventory of existing games playfully teaching essentials skills for a better life (with Mikhael Pommier).
  • Entrepreneuriat libertaire, reflections on a domination-free regenerative entrepreneurship.
  • Transition Compass, a tentative to better understand what roadblocks limit ecologically/socially-driven people to use their full potential to respond to the current disaster we are living.
  • How do we measure well-being/quality of life/happiness/meaningfuless felt by a population/society: Alternatives to GDP
  • lausanne_alternative, a draft list of Lausanne-based alternative orgs.
  • loup, a list of reference addressing the controversy of wolves attacking sheep and other cattle in specific areas.
  • Technojustesse, a draft program on technocriticism 101 for engineers, also sharing meaningful tech-related initiatives.
  • Victory Stories, spreading stories of how social movements won.
  • michka.1632739640.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021-09-27 10:47
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