This is an old revision of the document!

open sauces tasks/errata/miscellanea

items marked as deleted have been done.

draft #1 -> #14

  • compressed into draft #16

draft #18 (aka open_sauces.draft.20100413.pdf)

  • pp 61. Remove subhead 'Notes' and set as notes for consistency with other articles (eg. pp41, pp86-87)
  • pp 55. include author name beneath title.

draft #25 (aka open_sauces.draft.20100422.pdf)

  • changes to ingredients layout. check that amounts and names are consistent with earlier versions
  • pp76. recipe layout/formatting

draft #26 (aka open_sauces_draft.20100425.pdf)

  • pp 12-13. taste of brussels. if possible this page should look a bit archaic, with images from old herbaria and/or beer ads (see email for examples)
  • pp 18-19. frills on parentheses very good on this page. background on this page could be a bit dusty (dukkah dust)
  • pp 49. change amounts in recipe to relative amounts in Stuffed Gol Gappa Balls (see email)
  • pp 60-61. Femke didn't want any images with her text. The drawing should go with the recipe on the next page anyway.
  • pp 60-61. needs page number
  • pp 92-93. little fires: beautiful, but is it still readable? – still “needs work”
  • p 83 change “ginger soup” heading font
  • p 87 footnote indicators in text come after all other punctuation. so ~
    • “…events like the Flemish Primitives2.” –> “…Primitives.2
    • “(GC-MS)1.” in this case i would put the number inside the brackets “(GC-MS 1).” to make clear that it refers to the abbreviation and not the sentence as a whole.
  • “golgappa” or “Gol Gappa” i've used “Gol Gappa” but it looks like either is ok. (see:
  • pp 81-3 the bolded “why” repeated in each section here looks a bit weird to me. now opens with “This dessert”
  • why is only one side of the spreads numbered? both facing pages should be numbered except on graphic only spreads.
  • i like the idea of the formatting of the ingredients sections, but somehow the combination of ingredients with and without preceding quantities looks confusing to me… especially where one ingredient listing spills over into multiple lines. – please add details/suggestions/examples

still waiting...

  • check all logos
  • check E numbers
  • check chemical notation
    • only one or two of these have ended up in the publication, no? the one i found looked alright.
  • check footnotes
  • check IPA for 'stump' and/or 'stampot'
  • check capitalisation & italic of 'Miel beton'
    • i think i checked this, so it should simply be as indicated in the final plain text versions. — Alkan Chipperfield 2010/04/14 02:50
  • map for feral trade coffee → double gold recipe
  • check chinese in ginger soup recipe
    • well, as i mentioned by email a while ago, there is nothing in the characters that suggests they aren't what they're meant to be… — Alkan Chipperfield 2010/04/14 02:50
  • check urls for accurcy & consistency
  • check footnote consistency
    • the few footnotes there are now look fine. maybe consider using a numeral in sneha's (even though there's just the one footnote) to keep it consistent with bernard's article.
  • check libarynth → urls
  • open_sauces_errata.1272416521.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010-04-28 01:02
  • by