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notes during the residency at Castelletto Parenzana (on the former TPC train line) >

<graphviz dot center> digraph 20131002 {

  bgcolor = "grey93";
  node [shape = doublecircle]; Stories Emotions Environment;
  node [shape = circle];
  Emotions -> Stories -> Folk -> Myths;
  Emotions -> Uncertainty;
  Environment -> Uncertainty;
  Stories -> "Sense making" -> Environment -> "Out of Control" -> Disasters -> Premonitions -> Adaptation;
  Stories -> "Science Fiction" -> "Speculative Fiction";
  Stories -> "Growing out of links with..." -> Culture;
  "Growing out of links with..." -> "What can be transported" -> "Legitimacy of a thread of Myths" -> "geography";


  • parenzana_residency_notes.1380819868.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013-10-03 17:04
  • by nik