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(quite detailed description of how it works. it's basically a resistance meter:

what can be measured?

  • plant physiology
    • moisture levels / tension
    • action potentials (Reiss)
    • […]
  • environmental
    • soil moisture
    • pH level
    • temperature
    • uv / light levels

what can be observed or recorded 'subjectively'?

  • plant
    • species, common name, individual name
    • general characteristics (eg. height, width, density, branches)
    • leaf qualities (eg. shape, arrangement, simple/compound, etc)
    • foliage qualities (eg. colour, shape, feel, density, etc)
    • health & happiness (as observed by the gardener)
    • favourite music
  • the plant's environment
    • what is it like?

plants producing electric production in Plant MFC ??

EEML “Extended Environments Markup Language (EEML), a protocol for sharing sensor data between remote responsive environments, both physical and virtual.”

“SensorML is an Open Geospatial Consortium standard markup language (using XML Schema) for providing descriptions of sensor systems. By design it supports a wide range of sensors, including both dynamic and stationary platforms and both in-situ and remote sensors.” SensorML

  • plant_sensing.1242297888.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2009-05-14 10:44
  • (external edit)