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feasability study for sustained sustenance: feral trade cafe at http

Umbrella company is Catlow & Garrett (unincorporated partnership). Tax entity, overheads & PAYE.

  HTTP and Furtherfield are not for profits with written constitutions.
  Furtherfield has an advisory board and is funded by ACE.
  HTTP is a project.
  HTTP compound is zoned a s mixed / live-work.

Motives for opening a cafe as an art project.

  HTTP is located in the back of beyond from the point of view of its visitors.
  Would like to give visitors to the exhibitions something more to chew on.     
  Sustenance and conviviality, space for contemplation and reading.
  Elongate visit.
  Useful service for local residents and studio occupants The neighbourhood is changing, 
  it's a way of connecting with the local community that's more fluid and open, a softer    
  interface than the gallery. More everyday.
  Promoting an alternate economy and ecology. So many shops deal with just money.
  Promote free processes and experiences other than those governed by hegemonic global 
  capitalism. An economy based on other peoples' activities and how you get from A to B.
  Even at this small scale it has a polemic value.
  • income scenarios

The cafe would be designed as financially self sufficient, although application for seed funding from ACE London agreed as ok. A feral trade project: kate to put in the application, Marc & Ruth to support.

 Feral Trade runs at a fabulous loss. 
  • hrs of operation, visitor patterns, winter plan
  Gallery hours are currently 12-5PM fri-sun, possibly extending to thurs.
  Average 15-20 visitors per weekend. Mainly they arrive via Manor House tube. 
  There is no cafe between the tube and HTTP although it is possible to take a 
  detour to Costa Coffee. The portuguese cafe in the other direction has only
  portuguese people in it. 
  The cafe would not necessarily be linked to shows.
  The gallery has an exhibit approximately 3/4 of the year.
  There are gaps between shows. In winter and gaps, the distributed library and feral 
  trade cafe could occupy the gallery space. People would visit for the library, or for meetings.
  Library visitor numbers are low but it's the intensity of the experience that counts. 
  It would be a coup to overcome geography and keep the cafe open in winter.
  Without affecting global warming. 
  Patio bonfires worth looking into.
  In winter it could be a kiosk, menu devised for creating heat or utilising refrigeration.
  • caretaking: human resources as they currently stand
  When the gallery is open, there is someone always available to respond to visitors.
  Sat and sun have more dedicated inviglation, fri can be more hectic.
  Currently Ale (administration and coordination) does fri+sat, sun there is a paid invigilator. 
  • roles for cafe: preparation, service, cash-taking, cleaning up, stock management.
  Cafe service role should be rotated amongst present core personnel. 
  This kind of distributed culture is integral to the way furtherfield works as a group.
  Cafe service should be continuous with natural office life. Disinvest food service of
  lowered status, service as a portal for communications.
  Stock management would be 1 person's responsibility. 
  Probably Ale who deals with this kind of thing anyway.
  • physical setup: service and storage spaces, equipment investment, utensil choices

Decking. Sound the landlord out on this between rent payments.

  Landlord relations are distantly friendly. There is a janitor who keeps a close eye 
  on the compound. 
  If landlord rejects decking plans, the parking spaces in front are legally HTTP's
  paid for with rent. Cafe could serve from here.
  Liability would need to be thought through.
  • publicity
  Cafe would have its own publicity strand, as a HTTP project.
  Also promoted as background for exhibitions.

Use existing premises regulations as a template/ jelly mould for evasion or compliance. Produce an Exceptions reading menu as research result.

  • curatorial guidelines
  • food sources: search existing http networks for producers
  • new networks: city farm, green roof, guerilla garden and allotment relations
  • considerations: legal perimeters, shelf life, network relations
  • integrate feral trade core aims
  • source and transport via organisational networks, use current affiliations and transits plus promote new ones (grocery callouts to allied orgs)
  • standard form for visiting artists/residents
  • limits of biscuit
  • commissioning foods, seasonality
  • writeability: visitors can supply menu items?
  • staples: coffee, tea, milk, sugar, cola, 'biscuits' incl. computer-biscuits, condiments incl. apple mush
  • emergency sale items
  • cultivation
  • under the counter other


  • local: table menu of contents / protocols / products; launch/event
  • external: present at open sauces event in brussels in november as part of public diet strand; optional network/franchise
  • public_diet.1215510428.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2008-07-08 09:47
  • by katerich