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redleaf_funware_proposal [2010-04-20 13:00] marloesredleaf_funware_proposal [2010-04-21 07:24] aymeric
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 [[http://nimk.nl/eng/artist-in-residence-call-for-proposals]] [[http://nimk.nl/eng/artist-in-residence-call-for-proposals]]
-===== Idea dump===== +===== Braindump ===== 
-  * Text adventure games could represent a nice way to approach some more +  * Text adventure games could represent a nice way to approach some more challenging subjects in a way which is quick to implement and prototype, 
-challenging subjects in a way which is quick to implement and prototype, +could provide an interestingly jarring clash with expectations of social gaming. 
-could provide an interestingly jarring clash with expectations of social +  * Another idea for the AiR is just to pitch some critical/creative use of people's information on facebook. Maybe take it all out of context, or 
-gaming. +make a really scary sounding app that doesn't actually read any information. 
-  * Another idea for the AiR is just to pitch some critical/creative use of +  * Combination of the 2 above: text based, viral game that shows the user what application developers/3rd parties have access to (mirror mirror on the wall), or one that creates perfect virtual friends (like tamagotchi meets dating site= datagotchi ;). Marloes was wondering if the privacy settings are ignored by game app. If yes then this is a great sniffer which data could be fed into a small local simulation or datavis 
-people's information on facebook. Maybe take it all out of context, or +  * Farmville plays on social obligations and actually all the stuff that makes ppl join facebook in the first place (as mentioned in [[http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/content/cultivated-play-farmville]]), it would be interesting to play with this (horrible) idea of "being someone elses crop". 
-make a really scary sounding app that doesn't actually read any +  * Players can be banned from game if they loose (loose needs to be defined), it's possible to come back by making a donation to the EFF or something similar. 
-information. +  * your friends are spoofed by bots (Eliza effect is always fun http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA_effect), the game could also be you being stalked by bots if the API allows the control of profiles. 
-  * Combination of the 2 above: text based, viral game that shows the user what application developers/3rd parties have access to (mirror mirror on the wall), or one that creates perfect virtual friends (like tamagotchi meets dating site= datagotchi ;). +  * you are encouraged to spot and report fake profiles http://failbook.com/2010/04/04/peoples-desperation-for-facebook-games-terrifies-me/#comment-21817 
-  * Farmville plays on social obligations and actually all the stuff that makes ppl join facebook in the first place (as mentioned in [[http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/content/cultivated-play-farmville]]), it would be interesting to play with this (horrible) idea of "being someone elses crop".  +  * If everything is text based but involves many-to-many connections between players and bots/game-engine it could be nice to visualize the network in pseudo-RT (fluxus?) would be nice as an install to show the scale and current activities of the game    
 +  * bring anonymity back in communication, if the game is a multiplayer text based adventure you do not know who is who and who is human/bot. 
 +  * If we need to create a story, reading some Kaczynski could be inspiring to set the mood :) 
 +  * a player needs to collect the more data as possible on everyone and can sacrifice his friends for extra life, artefacts, bonuses 
 +  * what is wrong with fb?: 
 +     * social organization defined by oversimplified algorithms  
 +     * no anonymous use (you break the EULA if you give false information) 
 +     * applications are used to harvest data, panem et circenses 
 +     * the GUI to friendship is biased (ignore? -> ignore a database request or ignore a human being?) -> force people to collect friends 
 +     * the privacy settings is a fail/fail case, fail 1: the system is geared towards enabling the sharing of information as much as possible, including via authorized third party app, fail 2: you do not protect your privacy, eerything i still owned and tracked by fb, in fact you can only hide parts of your activity t other users. 
 +     * ppl have no clue how it works, they are lured into a fake freedom of speech ending up vomiting on fb and showing their tits and balls, not realizing they are seriously damaging their real social and professional network.
 ===== Outline of the concept underlying the work ===== ===== Outline of the concept underlying the work =====
 (200 words max) (200 words max)
 +Random points:
 +  * Reveal underlying apparatus and risks of centralized and proprietary data-mining driven social software
 +  * Reverse engineer the black box by the mean of gaming 
 +  * Spread positive ideas using mass media channel VS remain in secure niche of specialist and already convinced communities
 +  * Viral and Spreadable ideas are not for marketing but powerful vector to share knowledge and ideas
 ===== General outline of the scope of the final work ===== ===== General outline of the scope of the final work =====
 (200 words max – please include visual sketches). (200 words max – please include visual sketches).
 +Visual sketches for a txt based game, wich UI is fb would be pointless... but could be faked I supposed, as in a mock-up.
 ===== Outline of the research and development plan ===== ===== Outline of the research and development plan =====
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 ===== Motivation for why you would like to work in the context of this particular residency as well as an overview of your interest in the technologies mentioned above ===== ===== Motivation for why you would like to work in the context of this particular residency as well as an overview of your interest in the technologies mentioned above =====
  (250 words max)  (250 words max)
 +Main reasons we could give: FIXME
 +  - Good format to share a residency between 3 locations, to give the artist a change to work on a project longer and in different contexts (we've done that before on our own initiative and it works really well)
 +  -  We have good experiences with 2 out of the 3 locations and are happy to work with the teams involved, and are interested in the 3rd (BALTAN, unless you worked with them, Dave?)
 +  - The project we propose fits really well in the funware exhib. (humour and affect in computing, with threads such as gaming, hacker/virus approaches and participatory online applications). 
 +Interests in the technologies mentioned above: FIXME bit of a statement, help by adding your thoughts :)
 +Facebook has become as hard to avoid as a mobile phone. Abstainers face isolation. Modes of online communication have rapidly moved from peer to peer systems such as email and IM to a centralized and corporate platform on which users share information under dubious and ever changing terms they do not control. Social gaming has beaten twitter when it comes to popularity. Applications developed on facebook have access to users information, and the information of their friends, and play on things like social obligations to make ppl play often, spend lots of money and share even more data. It is time for a social gaming corruption taskforce to raise some awareness/eyebrows/... ??? FIXME 
 ===== Indication of your planning divided between the three labs ===== ===== Indication of your planning divided between the three labs =====
 i.e. what would you like to develop where i.e. what would you like to develop where
 +The residency period is 6 months, there are 3 locations.
 +We need to list our main tasks, and see where they could be developed (not for 2 months on location of course, none of us has time to travel more than 1 or 2 weeks at a time). Depending on eventual plan, but generally speaking -> FIXME  add remove etc!
 +  * research on content
 +  * development of platform/base structure
 +  * development of content/script/story
 +  * implementation of features/story/script
 +  * finalisation of application
 +  * testing & fixing
 +  * documentation of project, process, etc.
 +I think the most technical parts should be developed "at" piksel, finalizing (testing, fixing and documenting results) could be done "at" BALTAN, content development/research and process documentation could be done "at" nimk??? With "at" I mean mostly remotely but with a visit of one of us related to that part of the project, to have some exchange and feedback from the 3 locations. FIXME seems practical and logical to me, but perhaps it is not ;)
 +We could pitch that we work in a distributed fashion (which is true) with sprints, in that case 3 sprints of a week long each, one in each location?
 ===== Up-to-date CV including links to previous work ===== ===== Up-to-date CV including links to previous work =====
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 Deadline for submission is Friday 23 April 2010.// Deadline for submission is Friday 23 April 2010.//
 +FIXME Send me your CV before friday!!!
  • redleaf_funware_proposal.txt
  • Last modified: 2010-05-06 07:31
  • by davegriffiths