This is an old revision of the document!

based on notes from parenzana residency notes

  • Sarah Neville and family are in residence at foam for 3 weeks in October 2013, firstly at Castello Parenzana near the legendary town of Motovun in Istria and amidst the urban landscape of Brussels. In company with her five month old daughter Florence and together with Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney, Sarah is investigating ancient and contemporary myths formed from making meaning of natural disaster. Sarah’s husband Matthew and four year old daughter Miranda are contributing to the project remotely from home in the Adelaide Hills in Australia. Miranda is sharing her understanding of the natural world through creative storytelling and painting and Matthew is participating by responding to the concepts emerging at Castello Parenzana through an exploration of sound.
  • This project has been on slow boil for Sarah for several years. She has struggled to contextualise her research within the contemporary dance or theatre worlds and feels that the project has been finally seeded in suitably fertile ground within the cultural laboratory of foam.She has been aware of foam since its inception as she enjoyed a couple of successful collaborations with Nik Gaffney in Adelaide in the late 90's and he has kept her informed. However its only now, 13 years later that Sarah has a project that she feels fits with the vision of foam and at the same time it feels like high time she worked with Nik once more. Sarah's husband Matt also collaborated with Nik and Matt in the past and was looking forward to the family in residence along with four year old Miranda. When local funding fell through for Sarah, the family had to ecomimise and decided that Sarah and Florence would travel to Europe and Matt and Miranda would contribute to the project remotely via daily skype meetings and email.
  • The area of research stretches over the fields of history, psychology and anthropology. Artistic forms put into play include photography, story telling, poetics and theatrical improvised movement.
  • brief summary of the cultural/scientific/social/… context within which the research took place
  • brief summary of the cultural/scientific/social/economic context within which the research is applicable
  • description of how the work relates to other works in the field of inquiry
  • concise summary of the problem domain/s that the research explores, or the specific aims of the research undertaken.
  • justification of the aims (scientific/artistic/historical/etc…)
  • expected outcomes of the research
  • if the actual outcomes are different than the expected outcome, the reasons for this should be explained in the “discussion” section
  • concise description of the way the research will be (has been) developed from establishing the problem definition to the final results
  • justification of the methodology
  • concise description of the actual outcomes of the research
  • comparison of the expected and the achieved results
  • suggestions and comments on the research process and its results
  • description and suggestions around the collaboration process (if applicable)
  • suggestions for the future work based on the conclusions of the research
  • comments on the response of the public (if applicable)
  • literature used in the research (books, magazines, journals, URLs…)
  • media used in the research (film, audiovisual media, photographs…)
  • visual/sonic/tactile material generated in the research to be archived at FoAM
  • research_report_parenzana.1381512295.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013-10-11 17:24
  • by sarah.neville