Posted by shelbatra jashari on Fri 4th Jan 2013

Dougald started a transiency at foam in July 2012, exploring the role of the Journeyman and what this could mean to the Resilients Guild. His travels took him to interesting places and conversations across Europe, reflecting on cultural resilience, travelling and the absurdity of foresight. This interview was taken while reflecting in Rab, Croatia in July 2012 in the middle of his transiency.

“I set off from Stockholm on the evening of 8 July, 2012. For the first two weeks, I travelled fast: visiting people and projects that had been on my mind, recording the traces of the journey and the chance encounters to which it led. After that, I slowed down, spending time with groups of friends and collaborators, first in Croatia and later in Denmark. All of these journeys were made by rail and by ferry. Over the later part of the summer, I began to write up some of the longer reflections from the journey, picking up further threads of conversation along the way. As of October, I am gradually completing the map of my travels with notes from the journey.”

– Dougald Hine

More information:

Interview with Dougald about the different aspects of his work and more particularly his view on cultural resilience and the role of “Journeyman” in our times.

The transcript of the interview with Dougald can be found here:

  • resilients/blog/20130104.dougald-hine-journeyman-interview-transiency-and-cultural-resilience.txt
  • Last modified: 2013-05-09 11:23
  • by nik
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