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Scenario 4 of 4 in response to the question: How do we work together on interesting things? (as part of a scenario planning exercise)

(axis: individual vision and some people available some of the time)


a group of individuals, dedicating themselves to a range of practices intermittently. occasionally get together in bars/cycling/feasts to share ideas and inspiration. not always interested in the details of each others work/hobbies but are willing to help each other with sometimes unusual requests 'because it's interesting' or a challenge. they enjoy conversation and sharing compliments/ridicule of each other's work/hobbies. the group has a shifting dynamic, depending on who turns up to various events/openings/dinner/bar/cafe sessions. variety and lack of continuity, certain spontaneity and unexpected opportunities due to shifting network/group. a few of the more involved artists set up a salon in the studio they share, this forms a focus for the disparate discussions/directions/etc that go on in the 'other' venues. motivation is mostly personal, and individual varying with level of commitment available (erratic). based more on mutual respect than trust or reliability. salon, Stammtisch (estaminet, stamkroeg), situations.

Notes from the design session:

  • artists working in cafes
  • partying, opening, food & drink at openings/hosted
  • financial support artist-status/unemployment or 'sufficient means'/'independently wealthy'
  • hacker space, cooperative, no support staff
  • networking, access to available infrastructure
  • updating, sharing information and inspiration
  • inspire each other, without being involved in details/implementation
  • only individual (ir)responsibility
  • scale is limited, or requires non-standard ways of working at larger scale
  • cheapest option (of the 4 scenarios) resources for drinks, coffee, etc+
  • AR → networking and portfolio
  • resilients/bohemian_salon.1335169179.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012-04-23 08:19
  • by nik