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contacted Documentation Centers in Brussels

- Algemeen Rijksarchief: Magazines, Archief van Winterhulp (umbrella organization that was responsible for provisioning mainly of food and coals, but also of textiles. This material is not filed, data are very administrative./It can also be interested to consult the christian archives in Flanders. And KAV (christian syndicalist movement for women))

-Archief en Museum voor het Vlaamse Leven in Brussel (online archive)/recommend to look also at Archives from the KVS (Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg)

- Brussels Museum voor Arbeid en Industrie ‘La Fonderie’ mainly about the end of the 19th, beginning of the XXth century. There would be a gap in documentation of the second world war period, they start to have a good documentation from the fifties on. Maybe they have info on the industrial inventories.

My research questions : what was the industrial production level of textile material and where was it requisitionned to (Front de l’Est ?) ; what about labour conditions and entering of the women as workers in the factories, how did the work impacted on women dressing (more practical, introduction of the trouser) do they have propaganda material about women work?


Filmmaterial will be accessible, there are pictures but they are not filed at all so it will be quasy impossible to consult them

Of interest : belgian film production during occupation, document the dressing in documentary films versus fictions, cinematographic advertisment and actualities. What about the ‘costumières’, ‘accessoiristes’ status working on the filmsets and their access to materials ? / same question for the costumières of the Monnaie Opera.

Interesting reading : « Henri Storck, le cinéma belge et l'Occupation», Benvindo Bruno, Collection Histoire , Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, -MJB Musée Juif de Belgique -Koninklijk Museum van het Leger en de Krijgsgeschiedenis information about the requisitioning of the materials from the army, and more important : how textiles from the army was on its turn used, transformed or costumized for DIY casual clothing. Does the museum has a collection of parachutes from the english? -Musée National de la Résistance interesting material : double pockets that were sewen to transport weapons. The museum does not have examples of it, but can try to put me in contact with people then involved in Resistance who did such a textile practices. -CEGESOMA, does have a research center for WW II

  • resilients/contacted_archive_centers_for_resilient_wwii_textiles.1338753811.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012-06-03 20:03
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