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Control of the Commons

These working notes are for those interested in supporting the project or who are involved. Feel free to add, edit, extend and assist.

The Murray river will involve the second construction of a vessel and the first journey. The construction will happen in Port Adelaide, transport to the launching place will be from our support team.

Dates (proposed)

Vessel construction and testing January 23-28, Journey 1-21 February, Parade 24 February.

Launching around Ned's point or Lock 9.

Travel is expected to be between 20 and 40 kilometers per day, based upon experiences of 2 similar projects. Water currents will be important. The can be found [[here]], and it seems that if we take the river to be 150m wide and 4 meters deep, the flow at the SA border is around 0.5 kmh, compared to 4-6 on the Danube.


The vessel will be built from scavenged, recycled or otherwise low impact parts.

  • Plan 1 involves a lot of scrap celerytop wood to build a punt.
  • Plan 2 involves using scrap rowing vessels
  • Plan 3 involves using some old hull and extras, as the Subak in Linz.

Sail will be a junk rig, oars will be used and possibly a Yuloh. A tentative plan for pedal power exists - details at the beginning of January.


Things we will need: please edit as things become available.

Tools and things we can return
  • circular Saw
  • jigsaw
  • band saw
  • power drill, drill bits (wood and steel)
  • cordless drill, drivers
  • power sander
  • power plane
  • grinder
  • welding equipment
  • power cables
  • power boards
  • hand saw
  • hacksaw
  • Screwdrivers
  • pliers
  • Spanners
  • Hammers
  • wood chisels
  • plane
  • sewing machine
  • scissors
  • sanding blocks
  • Camping equipment: flies, mosquito nets, tents, sleeping mats, hammocks, cooking gear
  • Radio or outback telephony
  • waterproof camera
  • anchor
Expendables and things that will not be returned
  • Hull(s): dinghies, windsurfers (old, large)
  • canvas or other cloth for sails
  • Wood for mast (simple pole) max 450cm, and for yard
  • bamboo for battens
  • rope for sheeting
  • small cord for sail preparation
  • pulleys
  • eyelets
  • construction wood for floors, paddles, etc
  • Plywood for lee boards, floors, etc
  • screws, nails
  • ropes for rigging
  • flat strapping
  • sandpaper
  • all that stuff you just might need….

The following people have registered interest. Contact coc (at) if you would like to join in for building or (part of) the journey.

  • resilients/control_of_the_commons.1323213231.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2011-12-06 23:13
  • by