This is an old revision of the document!

. .,. the libarynth is currently being reconstructed, slowly and semi-diligently, page by page, in alphabetical order. many of the old pages will reappear in the near future, and current pages can be edited as you like. however, the creation of new pages will be disabled until all the old material has been moved into new positions... .{insert appropriate excuses about colour schema, layout and design. mutterings about form over content}}things to do

the Libarynth is a parafictional, semifunctional (deeply Intertwingled) collection of documents, notes and Randomness in the smouldering rubble of babel. it exists simultaneously as the online tangent vortex for FoAM. The Category Index is a good place to start for a more organised perspective on the battle between order and chaos (ongoing).

  • start.1181818770.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2007-06-14 10:59
  • by nik