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Report by Martin Brolin about Superstruct activities.

What is Superstruct?

It's the world's first massively multiplayer forecasting game.

  • 5 supertreats are identified for the year 2019, GEAS volunteers (players) are joining in this game to find solutions.
  • You can file a report about your 2019 experiences (story)
  • you can discuss strategies
  • you can find new ways to collaborate, or build solutions (superstruct)
My activities
  • filed a report about how an organization (Tsunamipants Un-Ltd.) has grown from a movement of part-time survival-engineering enthusiasts to become the worlds leading knowledge base on portable solutions to surviving extreme weather, disease and guerilla warfare.
  • Joined Urban Gardening initiatives and set up Superstructs for protection of urban gardens from poaching and bio-piracy.
  • Set up initiative to connect Urban gardens with green corridors for pollinators.
  • Set up GEAS volunteers coordination Superstructs for all continents and one for international waters.
  • Put out call for First Aid hacks among amateur survival engineers.
  • First medical hack: the Darun Setan ZD-314 series of fruitjuicers can be hacked as an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrilator.
  • Second medical hack: Nasal purifier can be made from:
Interesting ideas in the Game
  • hacking homo sapiens: ways we can exploited our own primate behaviors.
My observations
  • superstruct-report-martin.1223471251.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2008-10-08 13:07
  • by