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transiency_maja_kuzmanovic [2017-02-17 12:05] majatransiency_maja_kuzmanovic [2017-02-17 12:15] – [March 2016] maja
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   * Community of Contemporary Contemplation and Celebration   * Community of Contemporary Contemplation and Celebration
   * Inspire, rather then merely enable   * Inspire, rather then merely enable
-  * I feel good when I’m engaged in visionary endeavours with a wide purpose +  * I feel good when I’m engaged in visionary endeavours with a wide purposeI enjoy observing patterns of reality in and around myself, then translating them in words and multisensory experiences. While love writing, also need to see my work more "manifest", as experiences and other embodied experiments. However, to create experiences as we used to at FoAM, we need a different (and bigger) production team. I always end up exhausting and damaging myself in the processeven though I love the results… We should find ways to design experiences for maximum effect with minimum effort…
-  * I enjoy observing patterns of reality in and around myself, then translating them in words and multisensory experiences +
-  * In difficult situations shouldn’t depend on people I can’t trust; tend to feel better as soon as I can do "something" to alleviate the difficultiesno matter how small the "something" is.+
   * Nik and I work best together on long-term research, writing, creation and reflection, away from busy production schedules and hectic social situations. When we work with other people, it's best to do it in short, concentrated bursts.    * Nik and I work best together on long-term research, writing, creation and reflection, away from busy production schedules and hectic social situations. When we work with other people, it's best to do it in short, concentrated bursts. 
-  * While I love writing, I also need to see my work more "manifest", as experiences and other embodied experiments. However, to create experiences as we used to at FoAM, we need a different (and bigger) production team. I always end up exhausting and damaging myself in the process, even though I love the results… We managed to do it "lightly" when we designed "resting" activities for the BSB in 2015: minimum production, maximum effect… +  * We should research how to more with private foundations (like CGF)
-  * We should work more with private foundations like CGF +
-  * Busy periods must be interspersed with quiet, contemplative ones. Ideally the same time spent in "action" should be spent in "reflection".+
   * I’d like to work with Nik and Stevie to design a series of soundtracks for contemplation/meditation/stillness; contemporary sound/music/field recordings, guided meditations, etc. - This needs to be reclaimed from the horribly shallow new-age-ish music and meditations that have spread like disease online. this has lead to contemplation and meditation being regarded as 'fluffy' (cf. Nik’s publisher hating the title Stillness). I’d like to make an artistically qualitative meditation CD, with great sound and guidance that doesn’t shy away from darkness…   * I’d like to work with Nik and Stevie to design a series of soundtracks for contemplation/meditation/stillness; contemporary sound/music/field recordings, guided meditations, etc. - This needs to be reclaimed from the horribly shallow new-age-ish music and meditations that have spread like disease online. this has lead to contemplation and meditation being regarded as 'fluffy' (cf. Nik’s publisher hating the title Stillness). I’d like to make an artistically qualitative meditation CD, with great sound and guidance that doesn’t shy away from darkness…
-  * Rasa, will we ever start the Open Sauces Cooking Club? +  * I need to work with competent and committed people, otherwise I get frustrated. They should be people I respect and I should find the object of our collaboration worthwhile. We have to be more discerning in our selection of collaborators, based on the qualitative resonance with their work and life. There has to be a clearer difference between collaboration and mentoring/teaching/coaching (or other "nurturing" support), where competence isn’t of primary importance. In the latter, commitment is still key, but instead of competence, potential and motivation are more important. 
-  * Nik, Alkan we ever finish the Patabotanical Tarot? +
-  * I need to work with competent and committed people, otherwise I get frustrated. They should be people I respect and I should find the object of our collaboration worthwhile. We have to be more discerning in our selection of collaborators, based on the qualitative resonance with their work and life. There has to be a clearer difference between collaboration and mentoring/teaching/coaching (or other "nurturing" support), where competence isn’t of primary importance. In the latter, commitment is still key, but instead of competence, potential and motivation are more important. These two modes of working (creative/supporting) should not be mixed as much as they used to be at the "past" FoAM. +
-  * It doesn’t help me when I share an insecurity or difficulty with people and they jump in to give me advice. That’s actually counterproductive. It makes me feel weak and ignorant, as if I don’t know what I’m doing and others know better. Usually people offer advice because they care, with very good intentions. I don’t always notice it while it’s happening, but when the conversation ends I feel worse than when it started. It’s a common pattern I need to address, by being more aware at the moment it’s happening. Without offending or hurting people, I should let them know that if I want advice, I’ll ask for it. Otherwise I just want them to hear me and allow me to be present as I am, with all my weaknesses and doubts… Which, for some people, can be difficult - we have to stay in the pain together, without an immediate reflex to "help" or provide answers+
   * I’d like to write up all the various solitary (seasonal) rituals that I designed/improvised over the years… and write it in a way that could be used as a "kit" for others who’d like to try it themselves, including intentions, colours, materials, food, meditations, actions, etc.   * I’d like to write up all the various solitary (seasonal) rituals that I designed/improvised over the years… and write it in a way that could be used as a "kit" for others who’d like to try it themselves, including intentions, colours, materials, food, meditations, actions, etc.
   * It might be valuable to write an article on FoAM’s approach to residencies and other ways to support creativity. I don’t think I want to host residents in the near future, so it might be good to record FoAM's successful residency formats "for posterity".   * It might be valuable to write an article on FoAM’s approach to residencies and other ways to support creativity. I don’t think I want to host residents in the near future, so it might be good to record FoAM's successful residency formats "for posterity".
   * Similarly, an article on FoAM’s "Lab Approach" could be a good thing to write about. We have extensive experience with it, while it’s just becoming "fashionable" in a range of sectors.   * Similarly, an article on FoAM’s "Lab Approach" could be a good thing to write about. We have extensive experience with it, while it’s just becoming "fashionable" in a range of sectors.
   * I’d like to make an "immersive" lecture-performance (with participatory elements) based on my insights during the last seven years living with cancer (and other uncertainties), with readings from my diaries, photos of my changing body, examples of practices, sounds, sights, scents and foods that made me appreciate being alive (or got me through difficult situations)   * I’d like to make an "immersive" lecture-performance (with participatory elements) based on my insights during the last seven years living with cancer (and other uncertainties), with readings from my diaries, photos of my changing body, examples of practices, sounds, sights, scents and foods that made me appreciate being alive (or got me through difficult situations)
-  * Insights from my green-and-purple equinox ritual (intentions: thawing, getting unstuck, cleansing, aligning with viriditas, new growth, turning outwards) 
-    * Never completely turn your back to the past. It can become dangerous. Instead, keep the awareness of what lead to this moment present as background radiation. (the stump of the "winter" candle almost burnt the house down) 
-    * The magic of the moment is only unveiled if one is completely absorbed in it. Then the minuscule changes appear delightful and miraculous. (meditating on the opening of the rose of Jericho) 
-    * Unfolding and turning outwards is fast and exciting, but the process of greening and revival (which is the essence of unfolding) is much slower and imperceptible, much more difficult to keep focus, attention and wakefulness… 
-    * Purple artichoke is a perfect Ostara ritual food… 
   * Doing Nothing allows me to become more perceptive and notice what needs tending in and around me. It’s a process, an intimate courting of cultivation and letting grow…   * Doing Nothing allows me to become more perceptive and notice what needs tending in and around me. It’s a process, an intimate courting of cultivation and letting grow…
-  * Perhaps the interest in Thriving in Uncertainty is the connection it makes between abstract ideas or societal megatrends and our own lives (as individuals and community (the sector)). This connection interests me to pursue more in a wide range of our activities. We have done this with other initiatives (prehearsals, ARNs), but we never described our work in these terms... something to explore... +  * Perhaps the interest in Thriving in Uncertainty is the connection it makes between abstract ideas or societal megatrends and our own lives (as individuals and community (the sector)). This connection interests me to pursue more in a wide range of our activities. 
-  * I should improve my own online presence...+
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 <html><iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2G8LAiHSCAs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></html> <html><iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2G8LAiHSCAs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
-//... and let birdsong cancel out sirens... (sometimes one must be permitted a little bit of escapism...)// 
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 <blockquote>Vorig jaar moest ik afscheid nemen van mijn borsten, een belangrijk symbool van mijn vrouwelijkheid. Een paar dagen vóór mijn bilaterale mastectomie heeft Barbara samen met een groep krachtige vrouwen een bijzonder afscheidsritueel gehouden. Het was een geladen en ontroerende beleving waar ik er helemaal mocht zijn, met mijn gebrekkig lichaam en al mijn zorgen en verdriet. Barbara omhelsde mij bij de ingang en leidde mij door de studio waar ik dagelijks werk. "Ik ben hier voor je" zei ze "ik zal je dragen." En inderdaad, voor een uur lang voelde ik mij door de vrouwelijke oerkrachten van mijn vriendinnen gedragen, onder Barbara’s zachte begeleiding. Onze bibliotheek was omgetoverd naar een groen rustoord; in het midden van de ruimte een nest van kussens en dekens waarop ik mocht liggen. Mijn vriendinnen waren getransformeerd tot de archetypische godinnen. Hun krachten en energie hebben zij als poëtische wensen aan mij geschonken. Ze namen mij mee door een stroom van zintuigelijke ervaringen, waar mijn maelstroom van emoties zonder remmingen mocht razen, tot dat ik de serene stilte van acceptatie had bereikt. De kleuren, geuren, geluiden en strelingen brachten mij tot een alternatief bewustzijn. Mijn lichaam vloeide buiten de oevers van mijn huid, en ik zweefde gewichtsloos, opgehouden door de fluisterende stemmen en warme handen. Het ritueel eindigde in een euforisch vuurspel, opgedragen aan de zonnewende en hernieuwing voor ons allemaal. Ik voelde mijn feminiene vitaliteit ontwaken, zo omringd door mijn glimlachende, stralende zusters. Het was ongelofelijk belangrijk om op zo’n bewuste manier afscheid te nemen van een lichaamsdeel die mij veel vreugde en veel pijn heeft gebracht. Barbara’s rol als ritueel begeleidster was een onschatbare ondersteuning van mijn rouwproces. Zij heeft mij geholpen om aan mijn verlies bestaansrecht te geven. En daarmee veel ruimte voor een nieuw begin. Ik ben haar mateloos dankbaar. </blockquote> <blockquote>Vorig jaar moest ik afscheid nemen van mijn borsten, een belangrijk symbool van mijn vrouwelijkheid. Een paar dagen vóór mijn bilaterale mastectomie heeft Barbara samen met een groep krachtige vrouwen een bijzonder afscheidsritueel gehouden. Het was een geladen en ontroerende beleving waar ik er helemaal mocht zijn, met mijn gebrekkig lichaam en al mijn zorgen en verdriet. Barbara omhelsde mij bij de ingang en leidde mij door de studio waar ik dagelijks werk. "Ik ben hier voor je" zei ze "ik zal je dragen." En inderdaad, voor een uur lang voelde ik mij door de vrouwelijke oerkrachten van mijn vriendinnen gedragen, onder Barbara’s zachte begeleiding. Onze bibliotheek was omgetoverd naar een groen rustoord; in het midden van de ruimte een nest van kussens en dekens waarop ik mocht liggen. Mijn vriendinnen waren getransformeerd tot de archetypische godinnen. Hun krachten en energie hebben zij als poëtische wensen aan mij geschonken. Ze namen mij mee door een stroom van zintuigelijke ervaringen, waar mijn maelstroom van emoties zonder remmingen mocht razen, tot dat ik de serene stilte van acceptatie had bereikt. De kleuren, geuren, geluiden en strelingen brachten mij tot een alternatief bewustzijn. Mijn lichaam vloeide buiten de oevers van mijn huid, en ik zweefde gewichtsloos, opgehouden door de fluisterende stemmen en warme handen. Het ritueel eindigde in een euforisch vuurspel, opgedragen aan de zonnewende en hernieuwing voor ons allemaal. Ik voelde mijn feminiene vitaliteit ontwaken, zo omringd door mijn glimlachende, stralende zusters. Het was ongelofelijk belangrijk om op zo’n bewuste manier afscheid te nemen van een lichaamsdeel die mij veel vreugde en veel pijn heeft gebracht. Barbara’s rol als ritueel begeleidster was een onschatbare ondersteuning van mijn rouwproces. Zij heeft mij geholpen om aan mijn verlies bestaansrecht te geven. En daarmee veel ruimte voor een nieuw begin. Ik ben haar mateloos dankbaar. </blockquote>
  • transiency_maja_kuzmanovic.txt
  • Last modified: 2017-04-08 08:48
  • by maja