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 This page is the informal log of my transiency process, in reverse chronological order. This page is the informal log of my transiency process, in reverse chronological order.
 +14 November-18 December
 +Someone once said "You have to write when nothing is happening". Last month was very far from "nothing" and not "lying fallow" at all. Rentals one after the other, cooking for large groups, workshops with kids and the autistic group, design and production of a pop up co-working space at Burning ice festival and several coaching sessions for different artists. These are only a few things i remember. Not taking into account trying to pay as much as possible attention to the things happening at home. The plants are always the first to give me a sign that my focus has drifted elsewhere. Both at home and FoAM my green companions are a little in trouble. Caring for plants is not sufficient by just pouring some water from time to time. Dead leafs have to be removed, green ones wiped out clean, unneeded shoots cut off and so on. Well but people need even more attention: Faust having to go trough his first set of exams, while Jura swimming trough almost the last ones, Pieter facing some intense times at his almost not new anymore job, and a fast approaching festive season with present hunting... It is amazing how important it is to stay calm in such times. I often wonder what if i can't ? What if the darkness of the season gets to my bones too? And i feel it very closely this year. The fear and panic of not knowing how the next year will work out is present extremely closely. It is not easy to be pushing it away and telling your self that the transiency hasn't ended yet. There are still things to explore and search for. Luckily the autumn has been sunny and unusually dry. Sun really helps. It pushes me to pick up my camera and go outside. Focusing on the tiny bits of leaves, shadows and landscape line. It is more of a therapy than an art practice at this stage.
 +It was also an important month in the FoAM transiency. Even when all of the core team was in Brussels we didn't manage to meet for more in depth conversations. And even if we did, we were interrupted by many things to do in between. Like never before i had to remind my self one of the Open Space principles - "Whatever happens is the best thing that could have happend ". It suited very well in the past month and helped to stay open. Finally we have taken maybe the most important decision at this time - to let go of the studio. It is a little sad and sentimental but very relieving as well. Now we just have to figure out the practicalities of it. 
 +For my self i want to concentrate on working with several performing artists as mentor as well as investigate if i could get a grant or some funding to develop a "tool box" to guide a creative process for autistic people. I believe they have greater creative potential but most of the time they get thought primitive techniques for some simple activities rather than guiding them to think and create what their imagination tells them. So far my short interventions with the group in Geel has been immensely rewarding. We didn't do much. Most of the time just walking, stopping, observing, trying to talk about it. I had to realise that ordinary facilitation techniques don't work for such groups. There is no core to address to, its a group of individuals that has completely different relation to every little step you take. And all of their observations and feelings has to be noticed and accommodated. Nevertheless when a safe environment is created and the task is very clear they do play by the rules with enormous honesty and commitment. But what touches me most is the beauty of every person involved. Some of them are older and found some ways to deal with their shortcomings, some of them are just starting to understand how to be. It reminds me of an onion - when you break the peel you start crying by seeng the naked flesh of it. By talking to them i see the sadness and frustration but when they smile and finally look me in the eye i know it is not faked and equals a million smiles of the other people.
 +7 - 13 November
 +What a week! The autumn strongly announced its presence. It is cold and rainy and dark and wet and depressing...Feels like the working season is reaching its height. Everyone is super busy and showing each other colourful agendas.
 +I'm busy too. Too busy for a year of transiency you could say. Currently dealing with 3 different rentals. One of which is a total communication disaster... So bad that i think i've reached transition point. I don't want to deal with such things anymore... From next year on i wont do any catering for large groups. Rental only is complicated enough. On the other hand when things don't go well in some ways it motivates me to do my part even better than i ever thought i could. In this case i made sure that the food was so delicious and i was so nice to everyone that in the closing speech the facilitator bursted in tears when he mentioned the hosting, space and food. 
 +Some positive things too. With a small Hosting group we went to the forest. I guided a short walk introducing different values that some trees stands for. Such as: Oak for traveling back in time and complexity, Hazelnut and Elder for magic and healing, Hornbeam for strength, Alder for Resistance and Future, Larch for simplicity and reproduction and Beech for fragility, beauty and caring. I like trees, i like stories about it and i like telling those stories. I see a potential for such walks working as group coaching or team building. 
 +This is from the book " The Secret Life of Trees" by Peter Wohlleben
 +"Why are trees such social beings? Why do they share food with their own species and sometimes even go so far as to nourish their competitors? The reasons are the same as for human communities: there are advantages to working together. A tree is not a forest. On its own, a tree cannot establish a consistent local climate. It is at the mercy of wind and weather. But together, many trees create an ecosystem that moderates extremes of heat and cold, stores a great deal of water, and generates a great deal of humidity. And in this protected environment, trees can live to be very old. To get to this point, the community must remain intact no matter what. If every tree were looking out only for itself, then quite a few of them would never reach old age. Regular fatalities would result in many large gaps in the tree canopy, which would make it easier for storms to get inside the forest and uproot more trees. The heat of summer would reach the forest floor and dry it out. Every tree would suffer.
 +Every tree, therefore, is valuable to the community and worth keeping around for as long as possible. And that is why even sick individuals are supported and nourished until they recover. Next time, perhaps it will be the other way round, and the supporting tree might be the one in need of assistance.
 +A tree can be only as strong as the forest that surrounds it."
 +For a few weeks i've been exploring the possibilities of my new old Nikon F4 and getting more familiar with the many buttons and what it can do. I like it. Very slowly we start to understand each other. I feel it is a beginning of a good and long relationship...
 +"Movies are made out of darkness as well as light; it is the surpassingly brief intervals of darkness between each luminous still image that makes it possible to assemble the many images into one moving picture. Without that darkness, there would only be a blur. Which is to say that a full-length movie consists of half an hour or an hour of pure darkness that goes unseen. If you could add up all the darkness, you would find the audience in the theatre gazing together at a deep imaginative night."
 +Rebecca Solnit "A field guide to getting lost" 
 +For a while i've been taking photos from train windows. Last week i had to travel very early in the morning, just when the sun was coming up and light was not yet visible by the naked eye. This is my attempt to capture the feeling of slow transformation from darkness to light.
 +Some beautiful landscapes by Iris Hutegger. She found a brilliant way to merge photography and sewing https://www.lensculture.com/articles/iris-hutegger-textural-landscapes#slide-8
 +31 October - 6 November
 +In a poetic piece playing on Alice in Wonderland and titled A Map of Six Impossible Things, Iranian-born, Paris-raised, New-York-based writer Lila Azam Zanganeh, author of The Enchanter: Nabokov and Happiness, imagines:
 +"The impossible city is a city made of all cities. It is neither a city of the future nor a city of the past. It is a longing for the city. A city of stone and a city of glass. It is a city of spires and transparent abysses. A city of rivers streaming into an expanse of blue. It is a city of dubious beauty. Yet also a city of staggering beauty. A city of belfries harried by the screams of seagulls. A city of evergreen hills and lucid water. It is a city of children running down heaps of garbage. A city of drowsy bays and flying men and opal lakes. It is a city of sand and dunes, a city where the first and last human are covered in dust. It is a city of convents, fig-scented gardens and singing mounts. A city of redbrick castles with wide-open arms. It is a city of stone churches smelling of green water at sunup. A city of saints. It is a city of connecting islands. A city with only one weeping willow hunched over a promontory. It is a city of minarets and violet towers. A city of dreams long gone and lingering still. It is a city stippled with gold and yearning for the sun. It is all the cities you have seen and never seen. And it is the last city standing on the edge of the world, a second before the sun slips into the water."
 +Oh Molenbeek! 
 +This week i was truly inspired by something very simple and very human. I was giving two workshops, two days in the Castle of Karreveld followed by three days of conventional sessions for toddlers near Tour&Taxis. Due to an unexpectedly busy schedule i was looking for ways to cancel it. Thinking that it will tire me out and i wont be able to accomplish all i want to do this month. It did tire me out and i had lots of pain (mainly due to some bizarre shoe accident) but i also observed something very beautiful. 
 +The first workshop was a walk-in activity were everyone just could pass by and do some simple paintings using pancake dough and old colourful spices. It was a great success. Pieter and I ended up with a logistic problem to accommodate everyone willing to sit at our table. Some kids didn't want to move and made one painting after the other. On the second day also the fathers joined in, it is so great to see adults playing with such simple stuff and having fun.
 +The second workshop was designed for very young kids (2,5-5 years) to explore sensory perception. We played with flour and soap, Cooked pasta and soup, Made birds out of green dough, danced, roared like animals and so much more. The group was both french and dutch speaking. So, a total mess you could say. But i had the most wonderful assistant. A young muslim boy (about 17 years old) who helped not only by translating but cared with so much love and commitment for the little ones, and me, that at some times i even questioned why do i get paid for this and not him? There was also two other young muslim boys assisting the workshop next door and they too were so unbelievably familiar, relaxed, sweet, caring, funny and so on...I was truly touched by them. Except for Jura i never experienced such a devoted assistance from youngsters. It breaks all the stereotypes that even i had. 
 +After the Brussels attacks last spring there was so much talk about how such terror acts are an attacks on the western values. But seeing these boys and other muslim women working so passionately with the local youth i think exactly this community and its values got attacked and hurt much more. People who are constantly busy with making sure there are no walls between languages, ethnicity, religion, economical status and just quietly building bridges between all these families living in the same area. I'm very happy and honoured i could do a little thing among them as wel. I always felt that due to my limited knowledge of french i miss out on this direct interaction with such groups. Well now they speak dutch and english. So it is about time i make more effort to learn french as well...
 +24- 30 October
 +Before leaving to Bergen i spend a few days at home with my mother. Weather was good, light magical, colours precious. Mothers visits are becoming more frequent and everyone enjoys to have her around. I can have more quiet time to prepare for the travel without any stress. And even read a book.
 +Bergen is the city where rain made... It is a beautiful place but the rain!!!! Even my raincoat gave up after a day and a half and i ended up soaking wet constantly... Working with Eisa on "Host" is now a lot more relaxing. The piece holds itself and Eisa is finding more and more freedom to perform. What an amazing artist she is who pushes her self to the limits every single time.
 +Reading R.Solnit "A field guide to getting lost". It is a good book to read in an unknown city. I could quote from almost every second page. So many nice things written in an honest and personal way.
 +17- 23 October
 +6 days in a row of space rental. This time in a completely different setting. First of all we had a full house. Two guests in the tower, 30 people in the space, a catering group in the kitchen, Ingrid having some of her meetings at FoAM, Jura coming and going with a bunch of her friends. It was buzzing... I kept a close eye on everyone to monitor the levels of happiness. Even with so many people and activities in the space it is possible to work on different things at the same time. I've noticed that good communication is vital. Every morning or evening i would inform everyone on what is happening where and what is there to be expected. 
 +Secondly, this time the hosting of the space for most of the days i shared with our amazing Jura and with a helping hand of Ingrid. This setting and not having to cook made a huge difference. I had no back pain and could read a book quietly during the time in the studio. However on the days that the tasks where not shared i could not concentrate on anything more serious. Constantly keeping an eye on the guests is sometimes very boring and tiring.
 +This year i'm most visible person at FoAM studio. Therefor many demands and proposals comes directly to me. People get very surprised when i refuse to do something. Trying to explain what Doing Nothing means for us and why are we doing it is not easy. Mostly after the conversation they are convinced that what they are doing is very much related to what we are (not)doing and i must do something to collaborate in one or other way on their project too. When i explain that i might but not now because i'm also in transiency and will concentrate only on the activities that are related to that. They still don't understand why i wouldn't answer their questions, come to their meetings and so on... I think doing nothing or lying fallow needs as much discipline ( or even more) as doing something. It is very easy to give in and lose track of what is important.
 +10- 16 October
 +"How charming it would be if it were possible to cause these natural images to imprint themselves durably, and remain fixed on paper." W.H. Fox Talbot 
 +I'm reading about the times of the invention of photography. Many individuals where in search for similar things and many of them where driven by a similar frustration of not being (good enough) drawers or painters to portray their surroundings. 
 +The first printed picture was referred as "the first known instance of a house painting its own portrait"
 +I guess this year i'm driven by the similar force too. But instead of trying to portray natural accuracy i'm going for a total blend. I'm searching for pictures to achieve painting qualities by using textures and colours of the various films and clarity of the lens. The idea of letting the surroundings paint its own picture sounds very appealing to me at this time. Especially because i spend so much time in particular surrounding such as my house, garden, train and FoAM studio. The same objects, plants and people appears in my photos regularly. I'm not entirely happy with the results yet. But i like to work with the timing and movement that makes the scenery blend in colours and shadows. Somehow to me it associates with breathing patterns. Or maybe it is just a stepping stone for finally picking up the paintbrush... In any case i'm so grateful to have time to investigate it and try out all this.
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 +I also want to experiment a lot more with the idea of a portrait. Reading about old methods where in order to be photographed a person had to paint it self white, sit for at least 15-30 min in the same position and put up with different lamps facing you gives me some ideas. It sounds like an cleansing ritual followed by a meditation. I'm preparing a series of workshop for young autistic people under the theme of self-portrait. While now the self portrait associates so much with an instant selfie i would like to try doing it the old way  but using more up to date equipment and see what the result of that would be and what impact it would have on the person sitting for it. 
 +Some works of long exposure portraits by Sebastian Palmer https://www.lensculture.com/articles/sebastian-palmer-hope-portraits-of-resilience-in-sao-paolo#slide-1
 +3- 9 October
 +Looking at the calendar this week was the last more empty week before the intensive period will start. There are lots of upcoming rentals and a few travels on the horizon. Therefor i concentrated on being at home and spoiling the family. I set the challenge for my self to only cook things that i never cooked before. What a fun! Even  the week is a very short time frame for such things the experiments in the kitchen sparked many conversations and laughter. We all agreed that by the end of the week we will take a vote for what can be made again, what has to be improved or never made again. The clear winner of the experiment was sweet potatoes stuffed with chickpeas. I promise to post the recipe when i'll improve it till perfection and have time to take pictures of it.
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 +Also this week the weather got noticeably colder. It is time to bring all the plants back inside. But before doing that many of it had to be replanted. And once you start with that you end up with many baby/sister/brother/mother plants.
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 +It has been a good summer and i have now so many plant siblings that Jura is selling or giving it away to all her friends. Perhaps opening plant a shop at some point in the future is not that far fetched.
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 +The week ended in Brussels with a delightful design session for a ritual with Barbara, Maja and Ingrid. I like this kind of work. It is very creative, being able to build on each others ideas and something so meaningful as wel. 
 +26 September- 2 October
 +A busy week. 4 coaching sessions including a group of Lithuanian enthusiasts that wants to organise series of cultural events in Brussels. I was avoiding such groups and activities for a long time. And perhaps that was a right thing to do. Because now we can talk about experimental and small formats, aesthetics and quality and it resonates with the needs of the group as well. It is nice to see such people getting more open and perhaps if it gets combined with their various experiences something nice will come out.
 +I spend this week playing around with my phone camera. I've got a clip on lens and installed a few new apps. It is lots of fun. I'm not yet sure how i feel about the results. Need to take some distance to evaluate it later.
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 +19- 25 September
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 +For the first time i've visited Geel and met the group of people that i want to do a project with. It is a group of young adults with autism and natuur punt. What a calm energy! So much fragility and honesty in the eyes. We talked very little. Just walked in the park looking at the butterflies and frogs and listening to information about the specific nature needs. After that we had a cake and talked about what we are good at and what we have difficulties with. It has been so long that i wanted to work with group like this. Lets see how the project will develop and will they get enough funds to support it but i'm sure i want to do something with them.
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 +This week finally the FoAM Brussels team met up again. It has been about two months. Lots of things to catch up. Not only about the stories from summer holidays but also an intense experience of the Hosting Retreat from the last weekend. I fell sad that i couldn't participate but perhaps also good. Not sure i'm ready to deal with people related problems yet. I think this year i need to be selfish and only choose activities that gives something back. No more charity for a while :)
 +Also this week we had visitors Filastine and Nova. It felt like a residency. The FoAM studio got turned into the rehearsal space for their performance. We even had a chance to sit trough their general rehearsal before the concert in Liege. Nice experience. Felt like a wonderful FoAM thing. The week got finalised with FoAM Apero. It has been so long since last one. I really miss it...
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 +One day it is summer and the next morning you understand it is gone. Autumn is here. It also means it is last chunk of time dedicated to the transiency. Time flies. Or is it only in our minds?
 12- 18 September 12- 18 September
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 a bit of sage for prosperity a bit of sage for prosperity
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-I spend this week like a fairytale in the tower of Frankfurt. Living and working intensively with Eisa & co on the new piece that explores happiness in the context of Disney animation films and Disney theme parks. Finally a hot summer week but almost the entire time spend indoors. I really didn't mind. The view from our rooms and studio was stunning. It felt like living and working above a buzzing city and seeing clearly hills on one side and forrest on the other. It was a dream week. Working in what it seems like a busy cultural institution. Due to an extra efficient german organisation, it allowed us to work uninterrupted by anyone else. We could choose when and how we wanted to work without any obligations to interact with the other artist groups present in the house at the same time. In fact we spend almost entire time with only 4 of us (Eisa and a new dance partner Josh, the composer Marc and me). We would start every morning at 10h with a discussion and more theoretical analysis of the subject and elements, set the frame work and goals for the day, go for lunch around 14h work more until 19-20h, go for dinner, have long conversations over a glas of wine in the kitchen, go to sleep. Do exactly the same the next day. And in the weekend i was joined by Pieter and Faust that came to see the open rehearsal. Working on something that you love, with people that are professional and interesting, concentrating only on one project, having lots of fun by improvising, not having pressure to define what the final result has to be, not needing to deal with any practical stuff made this week very precious.+I spend this week like a fairytale in the tower of Frankfurt. Living and working intensively with Eisa & co on the new piece that explores happiness in the context of Disney animation films and Disney theme parks. 
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 +Finally a hot summer week but almost the entire time spend indoors. I really didn't mind. The view from our rooms and studio was stunning. It felt like living and working above a buzzing city and seeing clearly hills on one side and forrest on the other. It was a dream week. Working in what it seems like a busy cultural institution. Due to an extra efficient german organisation, it allowed us to work uninterrupted by anyone else. We could choose when and how we wanted to work without any obligations to interact with the other artist groups present in the house at the same time. In fact we spend almost entire time with only 4 of us (Eisa and a new dance partner Josh, the composer Marc and me). We would start every morning at 10h with a discussion and more theoretical analysis of the subject and elements, set the frame work and goals for the day, go for lunch around 14h work more until 19-20h, go for dinner, have long conversations over a glas of wine in the kitchen, go to sleep. Do exactly the same the next day. And in the weekend i was joined by Pieter and Faust that came to see the open rehearsal. Working on something that you love, with people that are professional and interesting, concentrating only on one project, having lots of fun by improvising, not having pressure to define what the final result has to be, not needing to deal with any practical stuff made this week very precious. 
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 As part of my transiency i can only say i managed to facilitate the whole event on my own. From the initial design to the implementation and even graphic documentation that proudly found its place and the main room of Touristic Office of the city. All methods and exercises worked well and gave me a lot more confidence to do this in some less complicated circumstances. Also it is essential to remember to be strict with organisers about things we agreed upon ( number of participants, extra activities, help needed...) And most importantly measure well the energy spend vs getting back. As part of my transiency i can only say i managed to facilitate the whole event on my own. From the initial design to the implementation and even graphic documentation that proudly found its place and the main room of Touristic Office of the city. All methods and exercises worked well and gave me a lot more confidence to do this in some less complicated circumstances. Also it is essential to remember to be strict with organisers about things we agreed upon ( number of participants, extra activities, help needed...) And most importantly measure well the energy spend vs getting back.
-On a plus side this week i visited one of the abandoned factories Ekranas. I feel very sorry that i couldn't spend more time there in the complete vastness. The space is huge and so empty like a set for cinema. The light traveling trough the space from one side to another makes it dance with the shadows.+On a plus side this week i visited one of the abandoned factories Ekranas. I feel very sorry that i couldn't spend more time there in the complete vastness. The space is huge and so empty like a set for cinema. The light traveling trough the space from one side to another makes dance with the shadows.
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-After that the holiday followed. But it seemed as if all the good weather was spend on the week in Panevezys and all we had left was only dark clouds, rain and low temperature. I was not ready to socialise and meet lots of people as i usually do during the visits in Lithuania. So instead of settling somewhere we traveled around without seeing too many human beings. One of the top destinations was a city of Visaginas. It was built as a town for workers engaged in the construction of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (exact replica of Chernobyl). According to a few besides Visaginas is seen as a perfect example how to build a green city from scratch. Originally planned to be shaped like a butterfly with lots of interconnecting bicycle and walking paths, green squares and a surrounding pine forrest, this city still has a feel of some kind of health resort. +After that the holiday followed. But it seemed as if all the good weather was spend on the week in Panevezys and all we had left was only dark clouds, rain and low temperature. I was not ready to socialise and meet lots of people as i usually do during the visits in Lithuania. So instead of settling somewhere we traveled around without seeing too many human beings. One of the top destinations was a city of Visaginas. It was built as a town for workers engaged in the construction of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (exact replica of Chernobyl). According to a few websites Visaginas is seen as a perfect example how to build a green city from scratch. Originally planned to be shaped like a butterfly with lots of interconnecting bicycle and walking paths, green squares and a surrounding pine forrest, this city still has a feel of some kind of health resort. 
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  • transiency_rasa_alksnyte.txt
  • Last modified: 2020-11-26 22:54
  • by nik