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Activist groups

Activist art

Police states & totalitarianism

Amateur terror fighters to report photographers in Colorado, July 01, 2008. Hundreds of police, firefighters, paramedics and even utility workers have been trained and recently dispatched as “Terrorism Liaison Officers” in Colorado and a handful of other states to hunt for “suspicious activity” — and are reporting their findings into secret government databases. […] “Suspicious activity” is broadly defined in TLO training as behavior that could lead to terrorism: taking photos of no apparent aesthetic value, making measurements or notes, espousing extremist beliefs or conversing in code, according to a draft Department of Justice/Major Cities Chiefs Association document. […] “We're simply providing information on crime-related issues or suspicious circumstances,” said Denver police Lt. Tony Lopez, commander of Denver's intelligence unit and one of 181 individual TLOs deployed across Colorado. “We don't snoop into private citizens' lives. We aren't living in a communist state.”

  • translucent_futures.1214920530.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2008-07-01 13:55
  • by angelo