Hosting Gathering June 2016

28th June 2016 @ FoAM Bxl

Core questions: What activities would we like to support and develop together?

Flow: Check-in, Lunch, Activity Mapping, Monastery presentation
→ The day ended with a presentation and discussion with Karen Lens on adaptive reuse of monasteries in Flanders, and our potential involvement in the research and experiments.

Framing: As a hosting “community of practice”, our primary purpose is to learn from each other and support our individual and collective hosting activities - through discussion, advice, testing, co-hosting and co-creation. We begin with a mapping exercise, to get an overview of existing and potential activities/practices that each of us would like to contribute to the group. We can possibly use this map to come up with a set of criteria for inclusion of activities.

A summary of previous discussions about what the hosting community could be like and what might be its activities:

Mapping community practices

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See also activities, as discussed in previous gatherings.

Enabling participatory processes
Art & Care
Training, Coaching & Mentoring
Artful experiences
Contemplation and presence