Extrapolation Factory Workshop
Workshop held at Z33 in Hasselt, Belgium on the 19th and 20th Nov. 2014, as part of Future Fictions.
Participants: Anja Geuns, Marc Godon, Yvonne Knevels, Tim Boykett, Alex Davies, Nik Gaffney, Maja Kuzmanovic, Dani Admiss, Ellen De Vos, Florien Allemeersch, Jan-Willem Vandenberghe
Facilitators: Chris Woebken and Elliott P. Montgomery (of the Extrapolation Factory)

How will we live 3, 30, or 300 years into the future? What new benefits will we enjoy, and what sacrifices will we have to make? How will our designed artefacts represent us as people, as a culture? How can we think through objects about little things of life in the future? In this two day workshop the participants designed a range of objects that could become a part of our lives in the future. We told their stories with short video clips or 'infomercials' to be presented online and as part of the Future Fictions exhibition.
Photos of the workshop: http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/sets/72157649362063212/
Photos of the worksheets: http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/sets/72157649468310772
Reflections by Tim Boykett: http://loosediary.wordpress.com/2014/11/22/future-extrapolations/
The workshop was a two-day exploration of possible futures using the vernacular of cheap infomercials, TV shopping and everyday products. After a presentation of Extrapolation Factory's work and a short introduction of the participants, we proceeded to choose two sets of 'polarities' - contrasting concepts such as “black - white”, “fast - slow”, “abstract - figurative”, etc. The polarities provided scenario axes on a 2×2 matrix. The choices were made by each participant based on their personal preferences, cutting short the usual discussions about change drivers in a conventional foresight exercise. The participants had a few minutes to individually fill in a few keywords in each of the four quadrants. The next step was to pick one of the quadrants/scenarios and create “A day in the life…” story, taking into account what the STEEP influences might be (STEEP stands for Social, Technological, Environmental, Economic and Political influences). The story was then enriched with a few 'instances' of emerging developments as reported in the media, primarily from bio- and eco-technology. These instances were again preselected by Extrapolation Factory and the participants could choose 2-3 printed quotes from the available selection. Based on the previous steps the participants then defined the primary needs, challenges and desires of the chosen scenario and proceeded to design a product (or service) to meet them. Most of the first afternoon was spent prototyping products and creating a storyboard for an infomercial that would be used to 'sell' them through the 'Telstar' TV shopping network.

The second day was spent in production mode at the AV studio of the Province of Limburg. Extrapolation Factory created backgrounds for most of the commercials, while the participants staged live action that could be keyed-in over the backgrounds with assistance of the AV team. The participants also wrote the texts for the voice overs (with one participant being cast as voice talent to record them). Extrapolation Factory left instructions for the AV team to finalise the videos after the workshop finished. The videos should be ready before the end of the year and will be included in the Future Fictions exhibition. The workshop ended with a thematic Apéro designed by FoAM in the Futures Lab at Z33, where snacks and drinks were paired with elements of the workshop process.

See a complete finished series at http://telstar.extrapolationfactory.com
And a few draft examples:
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some workshop notes