Maja Rituals
Rituals for the unacknoweldged loss : a ritual that helps women to make a good transition from one phase to another and need a specific support by other women.
To give resilience to a woman and the pressure they are under in society
For who?
Specifically for mothers/not-mothers:
- not having children because of medical reasons
- not having cildren because of having no partner
- not having children out of principal choice
- impossible secondary childwish
- rituals celebrating end of certain sexuality, intimity , sensuality
- menopauze
- abortion
- mothers who wish they never had children
- End of maternity leave
From the hosting community:
- development of the form in co-creation
- the engagement of some of us to support, sometimes with a big group, sometimes with only one extra
- preparation of the food/ music/reiki/support/practical/support of the facilitator
- testing the form/feedback
To the hosting community:
- learning: helping each other in creating resilience
- stimultating creativity
- learning from difficult moments
- broaden our network towards healthcare
By who?
Barbara, Maja, Kathleen, Eva DG, Rasa, Stevie, Lies