A big picture person and an eloquent multilingual public speaker, Maja is great at explaining complicated processes in simple terms. She is a cross-sectorial, cross-cultural and cross-generational Kali, creating energy fields in which total experiences, pantheistic processes, futuring, and rituals can take place. She masters research, harvesting, writing, alchemical cooking and transmedial design. She dislikes energy-sucking vampires, but loves dressing up as an anarcho-dandy. As a warm draught and a tough elf mentoring life changing experiences, a lucid priestess embodying mysticism and nurturing experimenting, she makes art out of life and life out of art.
- Fire, Water
Tough fairy, bright priestess (stoere fee, heldere priesteres)
Warm draught
- Kali
- Contemplative practices (meditation, including rituals)
- Futuring
- Pantheistic, non-anthropocentric processes
- Total experiences
- Design
- Research
- Framing
- Keeping overview (big picture)
- Summarizing
- (Visual) harvesting
- Multilingual hosting (4/5 languages)
- Public speaking
- Mentoring
- Writing
- Hands on: working with food and audiovisual media
- Carrying movements
- Harvesting insights
- Penetrating visions
- Nurturing experimentation
- Boldly going …
- Deep knowing
- Explaining complicated processes in simple terms
- 'Meditation' at the start > create energy field between facilitators
- Preparation!
- Safety (create space & atmosphere)
- Concept and programme development
- Short & long processes (all aspects, different group sizes, hands-on and discussions, co-creation…)
- Transdisciplinary, transsectorial and intercultural design
- Experience and transmedia design
- Meditation
- Sectors: arts, science, engineering, policy, business, environment, medical, communities
- Cross-sectorial
- Cross-generational
- Cross-cultural
- Homogeneous unmotivated groups who take much for granted and give nothing (vampires)
- Transformational, long-term relationships and life-changing experiences (from one person to the whole world)
Eva DG
Eva is a butterfly that drones and bubbles deep flows. She challenges you, friendly and fluttering. She hosts, writes, curates and creates experiences with a holistic approach and good sense of serendipity and humor, and lots of joy and curiosity. While not scared of expressing emotions and digging into areas of weakness, she builds, like an architect. She is a facilitator of maker culture, arts, transition and community, installing new systems respectful of ecology. In her life and work, she embodies healing, personal growth, ritualistic, contemplative, and meditative practices. This playful pixie pours her sharp eye into words. She has no nightmares. She is momentum.
Playful pixie pours her sharp look into words (speelse elf giet haar scherpe blik in woorden)
Bowden - Dhal (??)
- Personal growth
- Healing
- Walking/nature
- Meditation
- Rituals
- Ecology
- New systems
- Holistic approaches
- Serendipity
- Facilitation/ hosting
- Coaching
- Project management
- Communication
- Social design
- Writing
- Humor
- Openness
- Curiosity for anything
- Making connections
- Friendly challenging ('sparring')
- Bubbling people skills
- Momentum
- Making an experience
- Impact in a different way
- Sense of joy
- Not scared of expressing
- Creative writing
- Hosting
- Curating
- P2P
- Facilitation
- Arts
- Maker culture
- Transition Movement
- Cross-sectoral = interesting
ActionReaction without bigger picture or compassion
Collaboration and connection
Eva P
An oak with a coat of moss. Or an egg with a coat of moss. A smile that makes people smile. Gentle with space, surroundings and people, Eva is wild at foraging and anything else. She is a child of the forest, increasingly learning to read nature and cards, and understanding their symbolic interpretations. A budding druid, she connects, inspires and reassures people. Pulsating with intuition and instinct, she takes into account and takes care of the energy of the other. Magic is possible. She has a helicopter view on sustainability and transition. She dreams of a healed earth and therefore offers and shares ideas, and watches and helps them grow.
An oak with a mossy coat (een eik met een jas van mos)
- Sustainability & transition/change
- Crafts & self-sufficiency
- Nature-based spirituality (animism)
- Things esoteric (sacred geometry, tarot, dreams, healing, …)
- Structuring knowledge
- Plants & trees, wild foraging
- Plant lore & symbolism, mythology
- Ancestorial history of Western Europe (Celts, Germanic culture) and ancient history in general
- Music
- Intuition & instinct
- Helping people to reconnect to the power/strength within
- Coaching
- Language & communication (finding words; translating complex matter into comprehensive words)
- Symbolical interpretation (the story behind people’s lives and experiences) & reading nature
- Helicopter view
- Connecting, inspiring & reassuring people
- Creative thinking
- The ability to put things into perspective and to make fun of yourself (zelfrelativering)
- Vulnerability (in one-to-one conversations/ in taking initiative / in bringing things into the world)
- Making sustainable choices & looking for sustainable options
- Listening
- Smile that makes people smile
- Taking into account the energy of others
- Open
- Tengle with space, the surrounding, people
- Taking care
- Inspiring to look for alternative/for making differences
- Actively looking for knowledge
- Communication: writing short/to-the-point texts, blogging, facebook
- Druid rituals
- Writing/making a book, a calendar/holiday booklet (Nieuwsblad)
- Structuring information (artist database BAM/Kunstenpunt)
- Editing (correcting)
- Gardening
- Profit
- Pioneering groups
- Open-hearted, sensitive people who see the magic in small things
- Facilitating loud, over-critical people who cannot hear the heart speaking
- Unrealistic expectations and a heavy responsibility on my shoulders
- Cynical, destructive companies/people
- Disconnection and a feeling of abandonedness
- Working towards a society/community where everyone remembers their ‘connection’ (to nature, to the cosmos/the spirit, …) and we act from that connection
- Sharing and offering ideas and watch or help them grow
- A healed earth
Rasa radiantly throws you off your guard. She experiments and thinks out of the box. Always. Her mind is full of wonder. She loves hunting for loose ends in a sensual way. She is utterly visceral. Life for Rasa is a multilayered cabbage and she even knows how to make that taste good. When she is in the kitchen, that becomes a place of art. She is a costume designer of anything that grows. She generates energy by making people experience things, by playing, cooking, gardening, dancing - all sorts of bodily things. She opens people up, bringing them to a next artistic level, having the best assisting skills one can imagine. Kids love her, even though she makes their heads burst with rainbows, dolls and candy. She makes small steps with small groups, making things click, clicking pictures into place. Through her photographs people and the world gain beauty. Her goddess is growing. And growing and growing.
Radiantly misguiding (Zet je stralend op het verkeerde been)
- Interested in everything that grows (bacteria, kids, trees, …)
- Time-related thins
- Alternative methods
- Experiments
- Generating energy
- Cooking
- Surprise elements
- Opening people up
- Hands-on, bodily kind of things
- Assisting
- Supporting
- Hosting
- Photographical documentation
- Mentoring
- Costume design as a part of the setting
- Aesthetic touch
- Making people experience different things
- Sensuality (tear drop)
- playing
- Balancing (body, mind, belly > very centered)
- Comforting, putting people at ease
- Artistic guidance
- Thinking out of the box
- Cultural difference to bring to the present
- Inspiring by bringing different experience
- Good with kids
- Dance
- Choreography
- Guiding and designing workshops
- Teaching
- Cooking
- Gardening
> plants and spices
- Mentoring
- Hunting for loose ends
- Small steps with small groups
- Long-term relationships
- Activities that matter
Kathleen guides transition processes from micro to macro levels. Teasing you into change, her humor is connecting and empowering. Upholding the motto ‚don’t worry’, she cooks safety. Her elements are earth and fire, her roots are deep and luminescent - achieving deep impact and avoiding superficiality - and her fruits tiny and beautiful. She is a lucid shaman you can rely on, bringing light in situations or problems that she, with her egoless creativity, quickly grasps and overviews. Her interests in spirituality, yoga, nature and holistic transformation crackle into large impact concerning personal growth, teamwork and team spirit, hosting and participatory processes, learning and camping.
Earthly satyr and bright shaman (aardse plaaggeest en heldere sjamaan)
Rustle (knisperen)
- Transition (processes) > micro>macro
- Bodywork/healing
- Spirituality
- Social entrepreneurship
- Peer learning
- Systemic (change
- Facilitating
- Empowering
- Listening > summarizing
- Connecting
- Cooking
- Humor
- Homeliness
- Self-connected and grounded
- Focus on the process (hence: empowering & facilitating)
- Self-assurance
- Vigor (daadkracht)
- Calmness and purposefulness (goal-orientedness) in difficult processes
- Quickly grasping the purpose
- Egoless creativity
- Team spirit
- Engaging the people (from all ways of life)
- Lightening situations
- Brave & courageous
- Overview & relying on each other
- Levuur/art of hosting: participatory processes
- Sociale innavtiefabriek: coaching entrepreneurs, designing workshops, facilitating peer learning
- Vooruit: ‘team’work, initiating chang process
- Personal growth: burn out, resigning
- Life changing courses: matrix, Joanna Macy, Theory U, bodywork
Superficially going through the motion
Deep impact
A goddess of sound, or a musical teleportation device from the middle ages to now and into the future, Stevie unleashes energy through teaching, mentoring and performing. She has a very personal sense of leadership, with lots of chaotic energy leading you, however, to substantial results. With her deep composing, improvisation and nurturing skills and her creativity, she is able to tune in and awaken the best in people. In her hands, instigating creativity in others, everyone becomes a musician. She bridges different sectors, a.o. female mysticism, with surprising and passionate outcomes.
- Sound
Musical teleportation from the Middle Ages
Airy (ijl)
- Commercial sector
- Patronage
- ‘Composing’ > nurturing creativity
- Improvisation
- Tuning in and making the best of people
- Passionate Teaching/mentoring > to make music makers & make you into an active 'musician'
- Leadership
- Surprising
- Unleashing energy
- Enchanting
- Cross-sector bridging
- Broadcasting
- Presentation/performance > create beauty
- Teaching/mentoring
- Women
- Spirituality
Noise pollution
- Make music matter
- Connection with our past to build the future
- Drone
- Hurdy gurdy
Barbara is deadly gracious. She undulates between warmth and fragile yet dramaless storytelling. This charismatic leader finds magic in the small, knowing that little drops can change the form of the rock. She is a transforming transformator, sensing the smallest change and adapting to that, creating space for personal growth, healing, artistic practice, constellation and research, as against burn-out or other unacknowledged bad things that happen in life. Creating new rituals from the unspoken, birds fly from her finger tips.
Snake (metamorphosis, transformation, healing of others)
Deadly gracious (dodelijk gracieus)
- (social) rituals
- Non-acknowledged loss
- Healing
- Funerals & Artistic practice
- Soul midwifery
- Transition & Sustainable practices
- Storytelling
- Spirituality
- Constellations
- Personal Growth
- Imagination
- Design
- Research
- Holding the space, flow, people, organization
- Writing
- Listening
- Hosting & Connecting people
- Honest
- Warmth & vulnerability
- Fragility without drama
- Storytelling
- Diplomatic skills, but not forgetting your own stands
- Changer (veranderaar)
- Disarming
- Leader + charisma
- Sees magic in the small things
- A spirit that follows non-linear tracks (in creating)
- Gentle (in the space, with the voice)
- Self-assurance
- Noticing value in other peoples creations and bring that up
- Searching for more
- Sensing the smallest change and adapting to that
- Away from the concreteness of the pure form and deeply engaged with the content
- Centered, has the capacity to noting slowly and wait until the right moment comes. She trusts that signs will show her the way.
- Curating/making programs
- Moderating
- Creating new rituals
- Teaching
- Workshops for kids
- Everywhere progressive people with green mind & heart are looking for alternatives
- Education/arts
- Hospitals ⇒ social sector & caretakers
Small drops changing the form of the rock
Earth / Water
- Societal Change and Transformation Processes
- Regeneration and Systemic Approach
- Being with Nature
- The intangables and invisibles
- Spaces were healing can emerge
- The power of being together
- Concioussness held and nourished by the whole
- Emergence and the Unknown
- Surrender and Trust
- Healthy Business and wholistic Economy Approaches
- Facilitation
- Systemic Constellation
- Listening and Holding Space
- Healing and Creating Rituals for Threshold moments
- Curating
- Sensing and navigating with the bigger picture and complexity
- Conflict resolution
- Innovation Methodes: Dragon Dreaming, Theory U, Art of Hosting, indigenious Approach
- Working with Places - Georelations
- Going deep, embracing shadows
- Connecting and bridging
- Gardening and Cooking
- Curating
- Creating Programs and Trainings/Co-Learning Spaces
- Holding short & long term processes for individuals and groups
- Project Organisation and Managment
- Social Innovation/inclusive Process for Communities and Organisations
- International Collaboration
- Personal Work
- Trans-sectorial (Arts, Community and Organisational Development, Business/Social Entrepreneurship, Bottom-Up Initiatives, Sustainability )
- Trans-National/Cultural
Co-Creation of all Life supporting Environments
Being stuck together in destructive patterns
Lies has the ability to be silent and stay focused for extended periods. She listens and understands. She crystallizes what is important, in a voice that makes you want to listen, a voice that intones, as if singing while speaking. As a wise whisperer she can translate any experience into words. She encourages people to see clear and differently, making everyone feel included and with a fine eye for beauty and a particular sense of humor. Lies is a generous turtle, animal of another era observing today’s world. She dreams of, towards the end of her life, walking long roads in a long robe, looking around, slowly, a geriatric pilgrimage as it were.
Turtle (slow but steady, seemingly from another era observing the world)
Incessantly slow moving (onophoudelijk traag bewegen)
- Wise wisperer
- Has a voice that makes ou want to listen, a voice that 'sings' in speaking (in tones)
- language (form and content)
- philosophy, sociology
- yoga
- observing
- conversing
- writing
- drawing
- sleeping
- Generous
- Understands
- Can be practical in terms of how to make an idea into reality (practice)
- Listening + christallizing the important
- Long-time concentration
- Encouraging people
- Translates any experience into words without being afraid of being personal
- Deep and growing connection to nature
- Bringing people to higher level
- Eye for teaching
- Ability to be silent
- Wonderful mother
- Guiding meeetings - to make everyone included
- Education and the arts
- To see the attractiveness in something like mathematics or Sanskrit grammar
- editing, translating, writing
- organizing
- facilitating group assessment
- mothering
- living
- the arts
- education
- real life
- to live in the gift, to believe in abundance
- to be stuck in a place (cf. U Turn by Oliver Stone)
Element / Goddess / Interests
People . Design . Innovation
- Inspire people to Think differently
- Ignite action in teams to Work together to
- Create positive Impact and growth
- Cross-sector, Cross-country, cross-professional and generational cultures
- Working in Europe, USA, Africa and Asia
- Programme Design and Coaching
- Executive and Team Coaching
- Certified Geek, including PhD, patents and innovations
- Versed in business language, including MBA
- Teaching Computer Science, in Africa and Europe
- Teaching Leadership . Design . Innovation in business schools
- Business, NGO and Cultural sectors
- Engineering, Science, Pharmaceutical, Art, Media
- Make Ideas Happen
- The Innovation Consultancy
- Earth, fire
- Mountain bear
- Breathtaking landscapes
- Inspiring stories
- Alternating enthusiasm-driven frenzy and slow quietness
- Simple mind-shifting concepts and theories
- Fireside chats about life and related topics
- Making my heart beat through hiking or biking
- Organizations emancipating their members
- Challenging my mental models
- Growing and/or making stuff
- (Herbal) tea
- Saucisson & cheese
- Performing scientific experiments
- Reading scientific literature
- Getting inspired by nature, and helping other people do so
- Building up simple prototypes
- Fitting in many different contexts
- Bringing exo-insights to given contexts
- Working as a scientist with designers and artists
- (Action) Research
- Cross-discipline co-creation
- Boring Microsoft-Office-based tasks
- Facilitation
- Designers-scientists collaboration
- Science for artists
- A little bit of futurology (GBN/2×2)
- All of the above
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Bioengineering
- Citizen science & technology
- (Bio-)design
- (Bio-)art
- Violence bursts rooting in misunderstanding, mean stupidity and absence of curiosity
- Banality of evil
- Collapse
- War
- Thriving abundance and diversity
- Dynamic equilibrium
- Perfect matches
- Unexpected happy-ending non-linearities
- (More facilitation)