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“The Little Japan” vehicle was developed so that its creator Kazuya Kanemaru and any volunteer could travel to towns and villages on it.
They were searching for a place to launch the attached balloon that was shaped like Little Boy, the nuclear weapon dropped on Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945.

panamarenko-orbit-2.jpg\\Aeromodeller te Madrid: Panamarenko 1969-1971
Aeromodeller: Panamarenko, 1969-1971

Silver Inflatable,Photographer:Phillipe Glade, Burningman 2001

“Complementary balloon-borne experiment to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) Such measurements have become increasingly important for providing information on the initial conditions from which the large-scale structure of the Universe has evolved. The detailed measurement phase promises quantitative answers to some of the fundamental questions of structure evolution in our Universe: How did matter first distribute itself to eventually form the bubbles, voids and galaxy clusters that we observe? What is the amplitude of the quantum fluctuations which existed before the Universe entered the `inflationary' epoch, approximately 10-35 seconds after the Big Bang? Is the bulk of the matter in the Universe composed of a new kind of non-baryonic, nonluminous matter, as proposed by Cold Dark Matter theories? These questions have guided us to formulate the following program of current and planned experiments.”

COPYWRIGHT_FOTOT_PAOLO_OGGIONI_FEst:The Upside-Down balloon appears at first glance to be standing on its head. In actual fact, there is a concealed cabin on the underside and a further dummy cabin on the top. The engineers of the manufacturing company Cameron Balloons worked with great enthusiasm to produce this “special shape” balloon, which is unique throughout the world.


The White-Diamond: dir. Werner Herzog, 2004, 90 min. documentary. The White Diamond is about another Herzogian dreamer, Dr. Graham Dorrington, as he explores above the treetops of the rainforest canopy with a novel flying device � the dangerous, helium-filled Jungle Airship.

more inflatable image sections: Experience Inflatables - Powered By Wind - Parasite Inflatables - Soap Experiences - When Nature Inflates - Environmental Blendings - Hardened Bubbles - Inflatable Spaces - Inflatable Sound - Interactive Inflatables - Inflatable Wearables - The Non Categorized Inflatables - Nasa Inflatables or go back to Cocky Eek

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  • Last modified: 2008-01-25 11:44
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