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cocky [at] fo [dot] am

This part of the inflatable research consists of a visual survey of -inflatable structures-: but after quite a collection I found it completely dead and un-inspiring. So I decided to select pictures of inflatables I just liked, and find out after what are the interesting qualities about them. I came to a collection of 15 sections. Each section by far don't give a complete overview in its field. But the main criteria for selecting the works is that they are in one way or another inspiring and that they all can lead to new vibrations…

Images of Inflatable Inspirations:

Experience Inflatables - Powered By Wind - Parasite Inflatables - Soap Experiences - When Nature Inflates - Environmental Blendings - Hardened Bubbles - Inflatable Spaces - Inflatable Sound - Interactive Inflatables - Inflatable Wearables - The Non Categorized Inflatables - Lighter Than Air - Nasa Inflatables

Libarynth > Libarynth Web > CockyEek r42 - 17 Apr 2007 - 07:51

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  • Last modified: 2008-01-25 10:03
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