Cool Growth
(part of workshop_201501 notes)
Humanity as a whole has acknowledged that climate change is a threat to growth and a profit-driven renewable economy is on its way. There is a shift away from fossil fuels and towards green energy. Oil companies are changing their missions to become primary plastics producers. Energy security and green growth are primary political and economic drivers. Business is beginning to develop longer-term visions, supported by a legal system that tends towards deregulation and ‘New Climate’ laws. While single-solution business and technologies are geared towards mitigating climate change, other environmental concerns are still present. Food insecurity, loss of biodiversity and habitat degradation are just a few unresolved issues.
Marine CoLABoration plays an important role increasing sustainable activities in, for and around the ocean. It is a pro-active partner in many economic agreements to mitigate climate change by improving the state of the oceans. Under the radar, the initiative works on furthering the shift of values away from a growth-centric economy.


How could Marine CoLABoration change the world?
Marine CoLABoration uses climate mitigation as impetus and reason for better ocean protection. ‘Defending the climate defender’.
One of four scenarios designed at the first workshop of Marine CoLABoration: