Table of Contents


a growing1) luminous architecture - a virtual zero space 2) to be actuated by the passengers/players and not existing without them - a concavity that cultivates a desire to attach - the possibility to offer hospitality 3) in a world made entirely of convex surfaces 4), of spherical things which deflect, disperse and impede our interest and our intensity.


Light Architecture / Inflatable Structures / Play and Games


Syncope / Syncopation

Syn“co*pe (?), n. [L. syncope, syncopa, Gr. a cutting up, a syncope; akin to to beat together, to cut up, cut short, weavy; with + to strike, cut.]

Project Sub Pages

(a concluded foam project)

The concept of growing includes the concept of virtual. “Virtual worlds will be instruments of self-knowledge and self-definition for humanity […] They are home to the `angelic bodies' (or virtual images) of the members of collective intellects.” Pierre Levy
The notion of a zero space comes from the concept of zero, which is very old indeed.
Hospitality is something we can offer more of. Some important works on this concept has been developed by Jacques Derrida.
Cezanne wrote of the world around us overwhelmed by convex surfaces, spherical objects. Such a world as this, one which nevers welcome us, the modern world.