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Garginz is the reference node of Borrowed Scenery. On this page you will find a collected and partially annotated set of links and resources concerning all things green.

Conversations with gent_plant_people by Imogen Semmler

Fieldwork instructions for observing, collecting and interacting with plant life by Alchemilla L. Umiliata and Drukpa I. Konvulvul: borrowed_scenery_fieldwork

“We propose that parallel to the field of HCI - Human Computer Interaction, we should explore the field of HPI - Human Plant Interaction. HPI explores the nature of surfaces and processes required to facilitate reciprocal interaction between humans and plants. Historically, interaction between humans and plants has ranged from parasitic to collaborative. However, for HPI to become mutually beneficial, a symbiotic relationship may be most appropriate. Before a Human-Plant symbiosis becomes possible, we need to ask ourselves why, where and how can this two-way interface be realised? What cognitive and social biases need to be overcome? Can we develop a generalisable approach to interfacing with the entire plant kingdom, or do we require localised interactions between different species, ecotopes or alkaloids?”

In Plan/Plant/Planet, terence_mckenna popularised the idea that we can reconnect to the Gaian, planetary Other by embracing a plant-based model of human culture, facilitated in particular by psychoactive mushrooms and the ubiquitous spread of mycelium. Peculiar efforts at fungal communication have also been attempted in certain mycelial radio workshops conducted amidst the chaos of the FoAM studio.

“Reestablishing channels of direct communication with the planetary Other, the mind behind nature, through the use of hallucinogenic plants is the best hope for dissolving the steep walls of cultural inflexibility that appear to be channeling us toward true ruin. We need a new set of lenses to see our way into the world. When the medieval world shifted its worldview, secularized European society sought salvation in the revivifying of classical Greek and Roman approaches to law, philosophy, aesthetics, city planning, and agriculture. Our dilemma will cast us further back into time in search for models and answers.” – Terence McKenna

hildegard_von_bingen has been canonised as the patron saint of viriditas, and devised the unknown language of lingua_ignota. A whole range of principles have come to accrue around the notion of viriditas, including viridian_design and green. also summarised in these notes. As one of Hildegard's “most potent metaphors,” writes Sarah Higley, with viriditas “she describes not only God’s natural world, but all that is spiritually creative and filled with the sap, the sudor of divine life” (Hildegard of Bingen's Unknown Language, Palgrave, 2007, p.3).

The definitive resource on the interweaving of the tarot stories with ethnobotany is the tarot_tutorial, with supplementary notes and addenda on card_design. “What do plants and Tarot have in common? The answers are manifold - from looking at plants that can influence our mood to make us act as The Fool or The Empress, to plants having physical characteristics of The Star or The Hermit. The links can be made on the symbolic, iconographic, botanical, physiological, hermetic and many other levels. Plants are so embedded in our culture, that linking them to deep cultural archetypes in Tarot unveils the intricate relationships we have with the vegetal realm, extending far beyond mere food and fuel.”

Gardens are the meeting place of vision and practice, beauty and edibility, earth, water and air, human and plant… and so as reflected here the field of gardening and gardeners is correspondingly wide and diverse. From rooftops to greenhouses, seedballs to cities - almost all activities related to humans and plants can be seen to fall within the ambit of gardening at some stage.

“Gardens encourage and accommodate a broad range of activities; in substance these have changed little through the centuries and are recorded in garden paintings from late medieval French manuscripts to Fragonard and Pater. Gardens are territories of play - both play as alternative to work or business and play as theater, make-believe, the whole gamut of role playing that is human life. Though this last is not obviously confined to gardens, it flourished there because gardens are special sites of artifice pretending to be nature; though if you were convinced a garden was wholly natural, you were tempted to think you could dispense with role playing.” (John Dixon Hunt, Gardens and the Picturesque, p. 263)

Urban gardening

Edible gardening, permaculture and guilds

Guerilla gardening

Plants examined intimately and close-up… Their biology, phytonomy, and phytophysiology, and neurobiology; all about the principles and practice of making best use of plant_guilds in growing and gardening; experiments and examples relating to plant_movement; explorations of plant_perception and sensing; models for the algorithmic simulation of various aspects of plants; rendering plants in 3D and online; some peculiar plant_tricks; and contemporary and historical compendiums of plant_data. Recent concentrated attempts in human-plant communication have begun to take shape in the Snoepwinkel as part of the intrepid Silent Dialogues experiment.

Germination X



  • parn/garginz.1366807112.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013-04-24 12:38
  • by alkan